Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lisa Loving in Lavender! Plus more Inner Party LEAKS!!!

From 2008 to mid 2009 Comrade Lisa "Hacking" Loving ran a blog called "How to Be a Citizen Journalist":
[caution: there's a sitemeter installed.  use proxy if you care]

  How to Be a Citizen Journalist
The world of journalism is changing. While some institutions still exist to dig out the truth of our political, social and economic arenas, more and more the task is falling to regular people, often empowered through the tools of new media technologies. Here are a few tools for those who'd care to try.

Aside: Comrade Loving is in no position to criticize anyone's design choices.  She might not like Glorious Leader's yellow, but the amount of lavender on her blog would make a drag queen blush:

ANYWAY, we're confused.  No where in her blog does she explain or even bring up her "ask my friends for help to hack website" investigative journalism technique.  She must have developed that after she abandoned her blog and moved on to scamming the Skanner into believing helping the less fortunate, er BLACK PEOPLE, was her life's ambition.    
Yes, we are being assholes about this.  Because nothing helps black people like virtually controlling the only paper in town with African American's as it's primary focus, and at the same time,  putting that paper at risk by soliciting criminal behavior and being connected to the paper.  Cuz we all know how much black people love being the objects of suspicion through their associates.   Comrade Lisa needs to step down as editor forever, er, until this situation is resolved.      If she really cares about the Black community and it's only paper in town.
MOVING ON, more leaks!
From an email received this afternoon:  notes from the super duper sekrit cabal on April 26, that most of KBOO membership doesn't seem to have been invited to:

Notes from Keep KBOO mtg 4/26/13

Jamie Partridge

Apr 26
Committee to Keep KBOO as KBOO
Initial meeting --  Friday, April 26, 2013
Attendance: Jamie Partridge (chair & notes, 503-752-5112), Joe Crane, Bill Resnick, David Neel, Alan Wieder, Joanie Krag, Dave King, Paul Roland, John Walsh, Clayton Morgareidge, Linda Olson-Osterlund, Per Fagereng, Theresa Mitchell, Bruce Silverman, Michael Morrow, Gene Bradley, Joe Clement, Tom Becker, Robin Hahnel, Jan Haaken, Frann Michel
1.      What’s happening at KBOO? (see attachments)
a.       Gene, Theresa, and Bill outlined changes in board policy, revealed at the January meeting, changing from “just cause” to “at will” employment of staff; cutting staff benefits; changing from staff collective to a new Executive Director with direction to change staff assignments and layoff/ fire some staff.  Reasons given for staff shake-up – a financial crisis (manufactured), “too confrontational” programming, and inefficiencies.
b.      The staff, by 80%, presented cards asking for union recognition.  The E.D. and Board have hired legal assistance to push back, refusing recognition & forcing a National Labor Relations Board election, contesting the bargaining unit size and, according to Joe (CWA union organizer), committing numerous Unfair Labor Practices in the process (policies must freeze when cards are presented – the Board & E.D. threatened lay-offs, changed assignments and pled bankruptcy, ie. ULPs)
c.       Many at our meeting expressed not only dismay with the way staff are being treated, but the disappearance of transparency and democratic participation in KBOO governance plus the reliance on corporate advisors for policy changes.
2.      What is to be done?
a.       We agreed to mobilize for the May 4th Special Membership Meeting (1pm, Tabor Place, 5441 SE Belmont (at 55th), to turnout as many members and non-members (it’s not an “official” members only meeting; rather a forum).  The Executive Director, Lynn Fitch, is expected to present her vision for  “KBOO 2.0 -- The Regeneration”.  We expect to pass out a flyer with our explanation of events and their consequences.  We also expect to have sign-up sheets (outside and inside) for people interested in keeping in touch with the Committee to Keep KBOO as KBOO.
b.      We agreed to distribute the flyer, with a call to come to the May 4th meeting, at May Day and other progressive events, by email, facebook and other methods.  We could call in to the morning talk shows with info about the May 4th   meeting, expressing our concerns and encouraging listeners to come.
c.       We agreed to communicate with the Board the costs of fighting the staff unionization and the undemocratic, opaque decision-making – loss of members, loss of listeners.
d.      We agreed to recruit candidates for three Board positions coming up for election in September (apply by July), including one to be appointed by the Board to fill a current vacancy (contact Marc Brown, board secretary if interested)
3.      Tasks
a.       Theresa, Bill and Gene agreed to put together a fact sheet (two-sided?) which could be passed out at the May 4th meeting as well as a one paper summary which could be on one side of a flyer calling people at May Day to come to May 4th.
b.      Jamie agreed to print the flyer & fact sheet
c.       Paul agreed to put together sign-up sheets and clipboards for the May 4th meeting (and May Day?)
d.      Joe said the union will be in touch with other unions and Jobs with Justice for support in the organizing/ bargaining effort
4.      Next meeting
a.       Friday, May 10th 6pm, same location – home of Bill Resnick, 1615 SE 35th pl. (s. of Hawthorne)
[Please reply with additions/ corrections to these notes]

It was two months ago, but we can expect this is the template for how the Inner Party works for ALL of KBOO membership by making sure MOST of KBOO membership isn't in attendance or even aware it's happening.    
Ignorance IS Strength!

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