Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Comrade Nassar fighting from the bowels of KBOO

As Comrade Nassar, risking life, limb and embarrassment,  bravely reports on Facebook how he's being forced to do Fitch's bidding:


  • Time to go Board Op for KBOO Community Radio in Portland, OR.
    But FIRST, download an East Coast News Show, the one that replaced *Local* News Programming.
    Then, I'll run it for the KBOO Tuesday Talk Radio Show. You know, the one that was chopped back from 90 minutes to 60 minutes to make room for that East Coast News Show.

    But, just before I run Talk Radio, I'll play an announcement by our Station Navigator that says there IS no Progressive Talk Radio in Portland, so why don't we eliminate TWELVE CULTURALLY DIVERSE Shows and replace them with Yet-Another-East-Coast Radio Show, All afternoon, every afternoon.


    • Karen McAlister likes this.
    • Cherie Blackfeather Which local shows are being replaced by Thom Hartman?

    • Jade Pekkala Go Steve go......

    • Cherie Blackfeather What KBOO and all community organizations need is a Creative Director to provide Creative Direction. Uncreative people are not capable of leading creative people. Creative and capable people cannot thrive in such anti-creative environments. The proof is in the pudding. Any individuals who are managing to be creative or produce something of quality in that environment are doing so without the support of the organization - in fact they are doing so by steering as clear of the dysfunction and politics of the station as possible. I do not approve of replacing local programming with Thom Hartman. But I also do not believe that KBOO operates the way that it should in order to attract talent, support and nurture talent and skill. There's more to making good radio than knowing which buttons and levers to push. There's more to community radio than simply filling the airwaves with people just because they happen to be local or have been on the air for 30 years. The answers to KBOO's problems will not be found through political blustering and protests and factionalism. If the core values were about nurturing creativity then it would be evident at every level of the organization. Creative environments are creative and innovative. You can't fake that shit for long.

      • Barbara Bernstein I think we need to stand together with clarity in opposing 15 hours of Thom Hartmann every afternoon on KBOO. Killing the last bastion of KBOO's eclectically wonderful afternoon music is insensitive if not suicidal.

      • Cherie Blackfeather I am not even familiar enough with these programs to defend them individually but I do agree that this airtime belongs to local programming. It is a bad idea to depend on one or two anchor programs produced elsewhere to carry the whole station financially. The only reason KBOO can't produce equal or better programming to attract a large listenership that will translate into large membership is because the organization and the people who run it are not qualified to "manage FOR creativity". You can't just throw bodies at that kind of problem. A creative thinker can apply creativity to Development, to Management, to Board leadership, to Programming, to Outreach, to Volunteer Training etc.... If there were creative thinkers in these positions - the station would be very different than it is right now. But first the members must comprehend this necessity and focus on how to make creativity the first and most important value of all. Until that happens - it will remain in degradation as it has for these past at least 15 years.

You tell em comrade Cherie!
 "What KBOO and all community organizations need is a Creative Director to provide Creative Direction. Uncreative people are not capable of leading creative people. Creative and capable people cannot thrive in such anti-creative environments. The proof is in the pudding."
In others words, FITCH = EVIL INCARNATE

 "The answers to KBOO's problems will not be found through political blustering and protests and factionalism."

Wait.  That's what we do.   Blustering fractional protests.  Lynch mobs.  They're staples of the Revolution.   What the hell is Comrade Cherie talking about? 

Look comrade, you're either with us or against us!   Get your propaganda straight or ELSE!!

-Meresa Titchell

UPDATE:  And now Comrade Cherie is "not even familiar enough with these programs to defend them"? ????   Comrade Cherie SHUT THE HELL UP!!!   That's an official Inner Party order.

PS: visitors don't miss the latest:

Comrade Lisa Loving Wants to Hack Blogspot

1 comment:

  1. I can't recall ever telling you to fuck off. It's never too late, I guess.
    Fuck off.
