Old Mole Variety Hour · 8 followers
May 30 at 10:34pm near Portland · Oh shit! Did Mole let the cat out of the bag?
Damn! Damn! And Double DAMN!!! How can we continue to blame Fitch for "top down" management, when that's been around LONGER than Fitch has?Timothy Martin Flanagan For the past few years, the management of KBOO has been issuing top-down edits, without consulting with the rest of the KBOO collective. This contradicts the founding principles of the station. Now, the staff, volunteers, listeners, KBOO foundation members, CWA, and the Portland community can work together to determine and impement the priorities and future course of this community station. With the union holding the board of directors accountable, we can return to an inclusive, responsive, community-based, collective management model.Rebecca Nay Lynn has been on for about a year.. That's it..
And beware cadre, the ENEMY has gotten wind of our battle plans:
Kurt Lauer Seriously, Tim, I have to doubt most of the 'facts' you reference. I was the President for the bulk of the Collective Management and it was turned down after multiple attempts because of the lack of structure, accountability and ability. It was a period of DECLINING membership and the worst financial losses in 15 years. Your facts are in error at best and outright misinformation from a lying minority, at worst. No one is trying to make KBOO corporate. No one is trying to bust a union. Everyone involved loves KBOO and wants it to exist for years to come. It will not survive it's financial woes if it is run the way Keep KBOO KBOO (KKK?) wants to spend the money. It will not evolve while people keep trying to stop change. It is nowhere near as relevant as it used to be, or could be again. Check your facts before you post again. You seem to be getting the bulk of your information from the websites the have the least truth on them. You don't have to agree but you should get the truth before you repost.
SHIT! They're on to the ol' copy/pasta monkey wrench trolling tactic!
Rebecca Nay I am guessing that Kurt is being facetious about the postal employee comments.. Both of us have challenged a couple of your points though Tim, and you keep responding with basically a cut and paste of previous comments. While some of what you are saying may be true, not all of it is. A staff collective DID in FACT happen recently. I worked on staff under that collective, and Kurt was the board president during that time period. I also asked about how an employee can be unionized AND management at the same time. With the CWA on board, the collective management model is dead. If Lynn leaves, and after all this insanity, she most assuredly will, a new manager must be hired.
Quick, we need another one....the "monkey wrench trolling pasta/copy" tactic?
Ideas welcome!
--Meresa Titchell
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