Here, then, is a communication from the core of the corporatists:
From: Hadrian Micciche [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 5:02 PM
To:;;; News;; Cc:;;;;;;
Subject: The disintegration of the KBOO Board.
I'm a Board member of the KBOO Foundation. I invite you to attend the next KBOO Board meeting, where we will be discussing:
1. A Board member soliciting people to engage in illegal behavior.
2. A Board member who had no authorization to spend Foundations funds, yet did so, and wastefully.
3. A Board member who seeks to toss out all of the work done by consultants to KBOO, paid for by a foundation grant, which, if this is done, will put every granting organization on notice that KBOO will likely make poor use of any additional funding. So much for grants to help pay for items called for in the KBOO Strategic Plan, such as the Media Center. That's $35,000 wasted on consultants and how much wasted on an unrealizable Strategic Plan?
4. A report from the Finance Committee that the Board is neglecting its fiduciary responsibilities.
5. A report that KBOO is on track to lossing its broadcasting license for failure to have a Community Advisory Board, as the FCC and our By-laws require, and that this failure of KBOO to follow its By-laws has been reported to the state's Attorney Generals office.
Plus, you can witness the disruption of the Board's business by a small number of disaffected members, should that happen again, as it did at our last meeting. In addition, you may see people supposedly seeking to protect KBOO values again engage in name-calling, belittling, as well as a general failure by members to carry out their responsibility to let each other know when some are doing harm to another person or a group of people with such behavior, as well as the failure of the Board to ask such people to stop that behavior or leave, all in violation of the "KBOO philosophy.
The meeting is Monday, June 24th at 6pm (arrive early as the meeting may be standing room only). KBOO is located at 20 SE 8th Avenue, Portland, OR 9721
Please contact me if you would like to see the Board agenda and related supporting documents, as well as background information about current events at KBOO, and the long standing disfunction of the KBOO Board.
Hadrian Micciche
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
Our Glorious Leader rebuts this corporate swindle adroitly appealing to the loyalty of Outer Party members too duped by the Inner Party to know better:
All of Hadrian's charges are trumped up or exaggerated, as will be seen. Regarding the fifth accusation, it is not true that KBOO does not have community "advisement." Hadrian is attempting to entangle the FCC by digging up an irrelevant and obscure provision relating to licensing. Not only that, he has attempted to bring in State law enforcement, thus guaranteeing the further destruction of the budget, following on the Station Manager's cancellation of the Drive. If he were sincerely concerned with legal compliance, of course, he could have first put any real problem on the Board agenda, so that enforcement could be avoided. But he obviously wishes to destroy KBOO. His diatribe above refers to the May Board meeting, in which he infuriated an already angry crowd of KBOO supporters, by arrogantly stating that they were only there by gracious permission- and then walking out, breaking quorum. If KBOO won't go corporate, then it can go away.Our Leader even boldly references Comrade Lisa "Hacker" Loving:
I encourage you to call Lynn Fitch, Station Manager for KBOO, at 503-231-8032, and ask her if she supports Hadrian's multilateral attack on KBOO. homepage:
And there you have it from Our Leader herself!!!! All journalists have a constitutional right to solicit KBOO members, including their kids, to hack blogs they don't like!! We eagerly wait more directives from Glorious Leader handwaving other potential felonies like:
answering the other accusations 21.Jun.2013 12:22
tm link
The first accusation refers to an attempt to discover an anonymous blogger. If that's illegal activity, then all journalists are criminals.
The second is the latest attempt to get rid of Board President SW Conser. He got some legal counsel some months ago, not regarding the Union by the way, in his capacity as Board CEO. The counsel was vital to KBOO, and the accusation is that only the full Board could have authorized it. However, long-standing nonprofit precedent indicates this is not so.
Third: it isn't just one Board member that wants to toss out the disgusting corporate Board Policy Manual. The money was wasted as soon as it was granted, because KBOO is a people's organization.
Fourth comes a diatribe by the Treasurer that hypocritically ignores the fiscal disaster of the corporate makeover (see above).
Burning opposition members houses down
Burning KBOO down and blaming it on opposition members
Fraud to help pay KBOO's bills
Identity Fraud to hide the fraud paying KBOO's bills
The possibilities are endless!!
Remember, any action in support of the Glorious Revolution is excusable!
-Meresa Titchell
Art from Our Leader:
![]() |
KBOO burns |
Self portraits from Lisa "Hacker" Loving:
Lisa Loving:
"I am a media professional"
Everyone can tell:
"The second is the latest attempt to get rid of Board President SW Conser. He got some legal counsel some months ago, not regarding the Union by the way, in his capacity as Board CEO. The counsel was vital to KBOO, and the accusation is that only the full Board could have authorized it. However, long-standing nonprofit precedent indicates this is not so."
ReplyDeleteThere is no need to engage in hair-splitting and irrelevant discussions of abstract concepts like "legality", when a revolutionary action comports with "long-standing nonprofit precedent", Comrades!
Comrades, when listening to the unneeded and divisive discussion at the board meeting regarding this wholly justifiable payment to a law firm, remember to not ask yourself (or anyone else) the following questions:
DeleteWho signed the check used to pay the law firm?
Who, exactly, at KBOO, has authority to sign checks?
Evil capitalist organizations sharply limit the number of people with signatory authority over the organization's bank accounts, citing irrelevant principles like "accounting controls". They even usually require that one person approve the expenditure, and that a different person sign the check. Does KBOO feel the need to slavishly copy evil capitalist organizations in this respect?
Doublethink is your friend, Comrades!
Let The Inner Party Do Your Thinking For You!
It's interesting that Theresa knows about the reasons for Conch to seek legal counsel, since it only has ever been discussed in Closed Session. I was privy to the initial closed session, in Sept. 2012, as I was on the board then. I believe the board discussed it more recently with the current board. I don't believe Theresa sat on either board, how does she know what was discussed in closed session? I guarantee you, it is much more serious that she claims, but what do I know, I was there.
DeleteInteresting, but not surprising, that Glorious Leader is privy to board discussions made in executive session.
DeleteI know nothing of the internal workings of KBOO, but I do know something about accounting controls in non-profit organizations, and in the organizations I'm familiar with, a member of the board would have no ability to disburse monies from the organization, whether they wanted to or not.
Irrespective of the merits of this particular incident, I would take a very hard look at the accounting controls KBOO has, to understand how this could possibly have happened, and how to stop similar incidents in the future.
That may be point 4 of the e-mail above:
"4. A report from the Finance Committee that the Board is neglecting its fiduciary responsibilities."
It wasn't that Conch dispersed money from KBOO, it was that he picked up the phone, called the lawyers, racked up a significant bill, and said send the bill to KBOO.
DeleteThe foundation dispersed the money. They could have not paid the bill incurred on its behalf, but that wouldn't be a wise move.
"It wasn't that Conch dispersed money from KBOO, it was that he picked up the phone, called the lawyers, racked up a significant bill, and said send the bill to KBOO.
DeleteThe foundation dispersed the money. They could have not paid the bill incurred on its behalf, but that wouldn't be a wise move."
So, did the board approve the expenditure retroactively, or has the board never approved the expenditure of the money?
Did the board president have legal authority to obligate KBOO to spend the money? If he did not have the authority to spend the money, then under what authority did KBOO pay the bill?
What steps has the board taken to keep this from happening again?
The board approved the bill retroactively? if I recall correctly yes. Did the board president have the authority? no. What steps have been taken to prevent it from happening again? good question. Normally folks would need to admit an error occurred to prevent it from happening again.
Delete"Normally folks would need to admit an error occurred to prevent it from happening again."
DeleteThey have a habit of creating their own reality. Are there established procedures for dealing with inappropriate behavior? Most organizations have this laid out very clear in writing. Their lawyers tend to insist on it.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but you don't seem to be very familiar with how things work at KBOO. Accountability? Legally prudent? You're looking in the wrong place. There are policies in place, but they are ignored and if a majority of the board is complicit, then what?
Delete"Please don't take this the wrong way, but you don't seem to be very familiar with how things work at KBOO."
DeleteLOL! No worries! What I meant was what's on paper? Beyond the "please be nice" guidelines on the website. Whether they follow it or not.
"There are policies in place, but they are ignored and if a majority of the board is complicit, then what?"
DeleteThat may be where the Oregon Attorney General comes in. Amazingly, KBOO has to abide by the laws regulating non-profit organizations in the State of Oregon, whatever the Inner Party may think.
"but they are ignored and if a majority of the board is complicit, then what?"
Delete1 Inner Party destroys KBOO
2 Inner Party blames "corporate forces" for destroying KBOO
Looks like everything's going according to plan, comrades!
" Board President SW Conser. He got some legal counsel some months ago, not regarding the Union by the way, in his capacity as Board CEO"
DeleteThe Board has a CEO? Isn't that how corporations are run?
Is Theresa saying the SW Conser is the head of the corporatists at KBOO? Or is she incorrectly using the term CEO so that it appears Conser has more power than he actually does, you know to support her agenda.
I'm confused.
The second is the latest attempt to get rid of Board President SW Conser. He got some legal counsel some months ago, not regarding the Union by the way, in his capacity as Board CEO. The counsel was vital to KBOO, and the accusation is that only the full Board could have authorized it. However, long-standing nonprofit precedent indicates this is not so.
DeleteI would counter Theresa's claim that this legal counsel was essential. Actually it was a complete waste, which is why folks are questioning it. If it was so vital, I would ask why there was no action taken after the closed session that discussed it, not at any other juncture.
Conch doesn't know what he's doing, he's in over his head, and the misuse of funds last September is one of several examples.
There's a stanglehold on comments at Indy. Anyone else have luck?
ReplyDeleteCowards at Indymedia wouldn't post my reply to Theresa's latest.
ReplyDeleteNot surprised. Wait a few hours. They can get moderated or flagged and sometimes appear all at once. Of course we all suspect the SaveKBOO crowd has a volunteer who uh "looks out for them" when they can.
DeleteIndymedia is only preforming its normal appropriate Stalinist censoring function, Comrade!
DeleteThe Inner Party has not gone to all that effort to cultivate the Indymedia drones just so people can contradict Glorious Leader!
Remember, contradicting the Inner Party on Indymedia is like logging 50% of a forest, or something!
DeleteSome comments that were blocked finally appeared at Indymedia. Oh, to be a fly on the wall and hear the arguments ...
DeleteAlmost 5 hours since Glorious Leader published her indy article and NO published comments? Could it be the groundswell of support TM expected isn't there? Meaning NO comments will be approved by indy bees?
ReplyDeleteAssume you mean no comments apart from TM's. There was a rumor they have a bee recording ISP locations of comments 'unfriendly' to KeepKBOO. It's sleazy, but it shouldn't keep them going up. It's a stupid move. They know they have opposition. Not seeing it makes it so fucking obvious KeepKBOO and Indy have a back door deal.
DeleteYou have to salute the brave men of Indymedia for following the dictates of the Inner Party so absolutely, Comrades, and censoring ***all*** comments on Glorious Leader's post!
DeleteAfter all, Ignorance Is Strength!
My unpublished comment from 3 hours ago-ish:
DeleteTheresa Mitchell is lost in a fantasy world
"The first accusation refers to an attempt to discover an anonymous blogger. If that's illegal activity, then all journalists are criminals. "
All journalists do not use their position of influence to ask people to hack a blog and admit to this on Facebook.
The "journalist" in question is Lisa Loving of The Skanner. In her own words:
"Does anybody know how to hack into a Blogspot blog to find out who is doing it? I have come across a particularly cruel blog that is trashing people at KBOO and I would like to know who's doing it. Lemme know, thank you."
"Hi everybody!!! Now someone named Richard Smith has sent a screenie of my post about hacking into the anonymous bully blog to all the media in Portland, and a link to an Indymedia page and the Yellow Type blog. They are calling me out for trying to hire a child to hack a website. Awesome. Have a nice day. Thank you."
Lisa is a nut.
Presswatch aka Theresa Mitchell was aware of these events. Yet it seems incapable of holding her allies to the same standard she's (misguidedly)expecting from KBOO.
There's even an article about this here at indy, though it's disappeared from the feed for some reason:
TM and club like to call themselves radicals. I'm guessing real radicals are less impressed.
The blog in question Theresa, Lisa and company thinks needs hacked:
Judge for yourselves.
(got in a habit of saving to notepad a year ago)
"There was a rumor they have a bee recording ISP locations of comments 'unfriendly' to KeepKBOO."
ReplyDeleteIf true, I assume that the Indymedia worker bee and Indymedia itself have carefully consulted with legal counsel prior to recording ISP addresses, particularly if they are turning over the ISP addresses to third parties, Comrades!
After all, it would be idiotic not to!
BTW, is a good, usable proxy server.
DeleteUse it for all your visits to Portland Indymedia!
Might have better luck leaving comments at Our Leaders website where you can see one fucking funny img of a flaming radio. I kid you not!
Remember everything said about Internet security goes double/triple there. Indy bees are just scammed. They might snap out of it. If she knows how to do it, we KNOW Mitchell is watching visitors.
Paranoid much?
ReplyDeleteHey everybody! Say 'Hi' to our Glorious Leader!!! We don't usually out commenters, but seriously chick! You stood by while your bud tired to lure people to commit a felony, then lied about what she was doing? You've got some nerve calling us paranoid while pushing your corporate conspiracy snake oil!
Delete[Yes, we do know it's Our Leader. Her isp has the same prefix as her email.]
Bet now she wishes her and her Iron Rice Bowl club hadn't been raging dicks for the last 7 - 8 years. It had to end sometime.
We are blessed by a visit from Our Glorious Leader!
DeleteWe are blessed by a visit from Our Glorious Leader!
Say, Glorious Leader, why are you so worried about the Oregon Attorney General looking into KBOO's operations?
What are you worried that the Attorney General will find?
Kudos on getting the Indymedia drones to suppress all responses to your Glorious message on Indymedia today!
Glorious Leader hasn't returned. Looks like she sent someone to peek for her. These people got mighty shy of a sudden!
DeleteChange of Local for Board Meeting:
The KBOO Board of Director's Meeting will be held Monday, June 24th at 6:00 PM. The location will be held at the "Dream Box" meeting space at the Jupitor Hotel. The Jupitor Hotel is located at 800 E Burnside St Portland, OR,groups-en.html
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOn the meeting agenda: A motion that calls for a Board member who had no authorization to spend Foundations funds, yet did so, and wastefully, to repay the money he mis-used. The motion arrises out of the follow report from a committee with almost half the Board as members
ReplyDeleteA Report To the Board of Directors of the KBOO Foundation
From the Governance Committee:
Hadrian Micciche - Chair
Matthew Bristow - Secretary
Jeff Kipilman
Michael Papadopoulos
Rabia Yeaman
April 22, 2013
In the matter of the Board President's unauthorized spending of KBOO funds for legal fees, the Board authorized the payment of these bills, in order to satisfy the auditors. However the Board has not, to our knowledge, made any inquiry or determination whether the Board President brought harm to the Foundation by his unauthorized spending. The GovComm is aware of the concerns of several members of the Board who are not aware of any such inquiry or determination. Looking to the official record of the Board, our minutes, we can find no information on this question.
The Board of Directors of the KBOO Foundation would be derelict in its duty of oversight if we did not ask, and did not have answered this basic question: Was money wasted by the Board President in his unauthorized use of the time of KBOO's lawyers? We would not be acting with care if we did not have entered into the legal record, our minutes, the fact that we asked for, and did receive an answer to this question from the person in the position to make such a determination, the Executive Director.
The GovCom asked the Executive Director if she would be willing to provide to the Board a written response to the following questions. Here is her response.
1. Would you have authorized the Board President to incur these bills, had you been asked?
ED: I would not have asked the Board President to contact legal counsel in September 2012 and incur the legal expenses which KBOO was invoiced for during that month.
2. Was there wasteful spending by the Board President?
ED: Yes, the issues in question were not an emergency, were reactive and fear-based and could
have been avoided by being more patient and prudent.
and if so
3. How did this wasteful spending harm the Foundation?
ED: These unnecessary legal expenses have had a serious negative impact on our already tight budget for FY13.
The Executive Director also stated: I am happy to provide any emails I have which substantiate my comments. The legal costs I am commenting on happened before the EAS situation in October.
We ask that these questions and the Executive Directors response be entered into our legal record, the minutes of the KBOO Board.
The issue now before the Board is whether the serious negative impact on our budget has caused harm to the Foundation at a level meriting the removal of the Board President from the Board, for cause. The GovComm recommends that the Board also request that research be done to see if it is possible and warranted to seek reimbursement from the Board President for this wasteful unauthorized spending.
Here is how a Board President should operate. He or she would ask the Board for approval to direct the Executive to take a certain action. In an emergency occurring between Board meetings, the Board President would ask the Executive Committee for permission.
DeleteHe asked no one.
If asked to act on an issue by the Board President, the Executive Director may say, go ahead and make the call. She wasn't asked. If she had been, the Board President would have learned that the matter had already been discussed with a lawyer who advised us to do nothing.
The Board President says that legal fees are covered in the budget. They are. But its not money he can spend without authorization -- and last I checked, KBOO has budgeted nothing for wasteful spending. He ran up a bill of $1500. It's his to pay.
We will be meeting with the auditor soon. I'll make sure this misuse of funds is discussed with her.
$1500? Is that right?
DeleteWow. Phone calls with attorneys can easily cost $300 and up per hour, usually a 1/2 hour minimum. Did he really talk with the attorney for 3 to 5 hours? Or did he ask for research that cost that much? Yikes, that's not a simple, casual "picked up the phone to ask a question". Next time, ask the Glorius Leader, we all know that the revolution money is handled from the Central Committee and that all Glorius Communist struggles have top down finance.
As Hadrian says, legal fees are covered in the budget. But like any budget, it has a limited, set amount. If you spend most of your allocated funds at the beginning of the fiscal year (October), then you don't have money for later on for things like, say legal counsel for unionization issues.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete"But hey - he was elected to the Board by the members. That has to count for something."
DeleteAt least that's what his friend who was counting the votes told us.
"Our long standing lawyers -- the staff's lawyers back in the day mind you -- could drop us."
DeleteThe lawyers represent KBOO, not the board president, which puts them in a very difficult situation in the event of a dispute between KBOO and the board president.
"The Board President was not representing the Board when he contacted the lawyers on this certain matter (of which I may not speak)."
Interesting that Glorious Leader appears to be privy to the details of "this certain matter", despite the fact that she is not on the board.
"The lawyers are now concerned about the Board President's prior contact which ran up a bill of $1500. When they learned that the Board President was acting without authorization of the Board, the lawyer were aghast. The Board President was given privileged, confidential information that he had no authority to either ask for or to have.
DeleteThe billing for $1500 was in part for the lawyers searching their records and providing faxed copies of this information to the Board President. In the lawyers words, this was a breach of client/attorney privilege."
Bah! These so called lawyers are all part of the Jim Crow secret police state corporatist take over Our Leader warned about an Indymedia! Ignore these doomsayers....what's he worst that could happen?
BTW a handful of comments have been approved at Indy. Joy.
Lawyers are evil, but these were the evil lawyers the staff collective used back in the day. I suppose the Fitch effect is now in full force and the "staff's lawyers" have become doubleplus evil.
DeleteAn example of the important Russian cultural programming that the Inner Party is currently ignoring: