Comrade Papa can't spell to save his life, but spelling, like math, is secondary to blind loyalty in Our Great Struggle!!!
From: MichaelP <>
Date: June 30, 2013 12:37:00 AM PDT
To: Hadrian Micciche <>
Cc: sue bartlett <>, Lisa Loving <>, Lyn Moelich <>, mark sherman <>, Timothy Welp <>, "S.W. Conser" <>, Paulas Picks <>, Matthew Bristow <>, Jeff Kipilman <>, Rabia Yeaman <>
Subject: Re: CAB
KBOO Bylas Artt VIII Section 4(a) ays:
"The Program Committee shall conduct ongoing evaluations of programming and programmers; evaluate program proposals; make recommendations concerning programming changes to the Program Director; and advise the Board of Directors regarding programming goals and issues. The Program Committee shall also serve as the corporation's Community Advisory Board. In that capacity, it shall review the programming goals established by the corporation, the service provided by the corporation, and the significant policy decisions rendered by the corporation; advise the Board of Directors with respect to whether the programming and other policies of the corporation are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the corporation; and make such recommendations as it considers appropriate to meet such needs"
Context seems to be missing but don't worry cadre. All you need to know is who is a friend of the Inner Party and who isn't.
On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 4:28 AM, Rabiapdx <> wrote:Hey! Remodeling can be timely comrades. It's a great way to install that surveillance and bugging equipment to keep track of Inner Party traitors trying to stifle Inner Party free speech with facts and stuff.
KBOO Bylas Artt VIII Section 4(a) ays:"...................
"The Program Committee shall conduct ongoing evaluations of programming and programmers; evaluate program proposals; make recommendations concerning programming changes to the Program Director; and advise the Board of Directors regarding programming goals and issues. The Program Committee shall also serve as the corporation's Community Advisory Board. In that capacity, it shall review the programming goals established by the corporation, the service provided by the corporation, and the significant policy decisions rendered by the corporation; advise the Board of Directors with respect to whether the programming and other policies of the corporation are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the corporation; and make such recommendations as it considers appropriate to meet such needs"
The PAC most certainly does not do ANY of these things. I will bring it to the attention of the committee regardless of the interim who is busy planning a remodel of the listening room, true story.
Then Traitor Hadrian ATTACKS Comrade Papa(anything slightly critical of an Inner Party member's position is an ATTACK):
From: Hadrian Micciche <>
Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: CAB
Michael: KBOO is not now, nor has it in the past, sought to restore Federal funding by trying to qualify under the CPB. Even if it did, the CPB did not and would not force us to follow any particular programming model, much less direct us to air less political or controversial content. They have neither the power nor the intension to do so.Back in the day, KBOO was warned that it was in line to lose Federal funding as it no longer qualified due to the small number of listeners and the insufficient funding from our members. KBOO, like other stations who received this warning, had sufficient time to turn that around. Most did. KBOO did not.
KBOO also did not apply any significant cost cutting measures. Rather, it began the unhealthy habit of depleting our reserves from that time until now. When our former manager attempted to study our staffing needs to see if we could cut costs, the staff refused to participate and, many say, forced him out under trumped up charges. Many believe they are doing so once again, largely by way of a very small number of members acting as proxies, and members acting in good faith, but mislead the lies, distortions and propaganda of this small group who by no means represent the interests of all of the members.Surprisingly, in the face of unremitting financial problems and during the time of the staff collective, the staff finally agreed to a staffing needs assessment as proposed by Judy Fiestal. She conducted the review with the help of a consultant. After the review, the recommendation was made to cut a modest number of hours, five, from all staff who did not produce revenue. The staff subject to such cuts observed that they were all female, and the income producing staff were all men. A claim of gender discrimination was made. Certain members of the staff then tried to get the whole of the staff to agree to recommend to the Board that the cuts be applied equally. In other words, in the times of financial difficulty, they proposed that the people bringing in income work less. They could not get consensus to that proposal. They then acted without authorization of the staff or the proper review of their proposal by the finance committee, and presented to the Board the plan to cut hours equally. This was not all. They falsely claimed that this plan had been approved by the staff. The Board, unwisely, approved the plan. Let me repeat that. In the face of financial difficulties, the Board approved the cut in hours to staff who produced income. When informed of the dishonesty of the staff, the Board did nothing.If certain staff took such dishonest measures to advance a foolish proposal, what do you imagine they might do when a new Station Manager began work on a new staffing plan, one which most likely involves the reduction in the number of staff.Not that the staff has acted directly, at least not openly. Certain KBOO members apparently acted as proxies to spread lies, slander and outright propaganda, as well as to engage in tactics of intimidation, threats, and even, as it has been alleged blackmail. Unfortunately, these tactics activated a larger number of members who, acting in good faith, objected to the possible cut in controversial programming and the corporatization of KBOO -- all spurious charges.Now you associate the call for KBOO to act in compliance with our by-laws (which you would ordinarily champion) with KBOO being forced to be less controversial. Why? Most likely because it would bring in community leaders to advise KBOO, not just your beloved members. You seem to not understand that a CAB can result in more members from these communities as a result of better serving their needs. That has been the case at other community radio stations. It can also be true at KBOO.The people who would sit on a Community Advisory Board would have the knowledge of the needs of segments of the communities they would represent, and the ears of the member's of those communities. These would be the communities unserved or underserved by non-local consolidated mega-corporate radio. These are the communities we exist to serve -- but largely do not. These are the communities which corporate radio does not serve, and, ironically, neither does KBOO. I find that reprehensible. KBOO is underdog radio, yes. However, we need to let all of the underdogs in the door, not just those whose politics you or I or other members agree with. We need to serve the needs of half of the members (as shown in a member survey) who primarily listen to music. I mean, how radical was Bill Monroe?The FCC has said, in response to complaints of religious broadcasters, that CABs would have no power to compel these stations to air any programming contrary to their values. The same would apply to KBOO.We keep true to our values, act in accord with our by-laws and open our ears to people who can speak to the needs of their communities with authority -- communities unserved or underserved by corporate radio and KBOO alike.In 1998 KBOO brought in consultants from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters (NFCB). The intent was to see how KBOO might reverse the decline in listeners and membership support. The report from the NFCB had many recommendations about the nature of our programming and our scheduling. That report is included in every Board member's packet. It suggests that KBOO might get grant funding to do a market analysis of what programming is needed in Portland. However, its a more direct and less costly process to get ongoing advice from a Community Advisory Board.
Let's deal with what I feel is the real source of opposition to a CAB made up of community leaders. It would lessen the power of staff to approve of programming and provide slots to people they have cultivated as friends. One clear example of that is rewarding close friends of staff with expensive passes to music festivals. One of our consultants decried such nepotism. The response was to rebut this charge with a dictionary, rather than addressing the problem the consultant was pointing out. This Board member could have suggested that such passes be awarded to Board members, programmers and members who are demonstrated strong fund-raisers, or at least at random. Consulting the dictionary does nothing to correct the blatant behavior of rewarding friends of staff with expensive gifts.A properly constituted CAB also loosens the strangle hold programmers have over their on-air slots. As previously mentioned, when programmers were surveyed by the then Program Director about possible changes in our programming, they said, nope. Leave our programs alone.A CAB threaten the powers that be in the KBOO radio club, a station which largely benefits the staff, programmers and a small number of members. A CAB, on the other hand would be a good step toward transforming KBOO into a true community radio station. Do we emulate corporate radio and not listen to unserved and underserved communities, or do we open up our xenophobic culture and seek input from the communities we seek to serve -- but do not.The worse way to get us to live up to our purpose and our values is to appeal to laws and regulations. We should have a CAB not because we must, but because it advances our mission. Any opposition to such a CAB based on legalistic arguments is a way of trying to preserve the status quo, and to squash the revolutionary idea of listening to the people we need to be serving. I though radicals were supposed to be agents of change. Not at KBOO. They go to great lengths to resist internal change, even ones not only in line with our values, but which advance them. It aligns KBOO with corporate radio. Thats not only pitiful, its shameful.
Who the hell cares if the results of the Inner Party policies bring it hypocritically in step with corporate radio that Glorious leader denounces? The REAL issue here is Traitor Hadrian ATTACKING Comrade Papa!
Comrade Papa is not to be fucked with! Not only does he enjoy the support of Glorious Leader,
but Comrade Papa has a LONG history of defending the Iron Rice Bowl by ANY MEANS NECESSARY:
In 2009 and again the next year, Michael Papadopoulos sued KBOO over a ruling that he could not be seated on the board. This was due to a standing FCC regulation limiting the percentage of non-citizens permitted ownership status of a broadcast outlet. Both Michael and John made patently false claims in their candidate statements that the case against Michael's seating was illegitimate.
The original 2009 case, which eventually cost KBOO tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, was dropped by Michael and co-petitioner Scott Forrester the night before the court date. When Michael re-filed his case, he ended up seated on the board due not to the merits of his case, but rather due to an inaccurate statement in court by the president of the board claiming that a board seat was available. Due to the costs of the previous lawsuits, KBOO opted not to appeal the ruling seating Michael. These facts, as well as the history of financial damage done to KBOO by Michael's efforts, are all part of the public record. lawsuits
Michael's lack of concern for KBOO's stability has extended to public events. During a presentation to the KBOO membership at the April 2011 Strategic Planning Public Meeting, Michael verbally intimidated and physically attacked a representative from PARC Resources, attempting at one point to grab the microphone out of his hand.
Violent outbursts based on erroneous and flawed information! Now THAT'S commitment to the Cause, comrades!!!
Like Glorious Leader, he's a Foil Hatter
Michael Papadopoulos is an associate of Glen Owen. Owen tried to hijack KBOO branding via domain:
"The "Challenger Panel" of candidates (Scott Forrester, Cris Andreae, Michael Papadopoulos PhD, Maire Cullen and Glen Owen) are meeting 9am Wednesday to discuss prospects for hammering out a common platform.
glen~ 503 287 3473
On behalf of Everybody Everywhere : theKnownUniverse@...
~GlenOwen~ landline/voice/messages/NotFax : 503 287 3473
CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] CascadiaPublicBroadcasting[tm]
for sure response please use phone"
Comrade Papa was also plugged at Oregon Chemtrails:
If you are a member of KBOO as at Fri Aug 28th 2009, note that Cris Andreae, Maire Cullen, Michael Papadopoulos and Scott Forrester are the candidates for board of directors (balloting closes Sept 28th) most likely to bring 911truth and exposure of "fake progressivism" to the fm broadcast band in a big swathe of the state of Oregon USA (see for details)
AirCascadia on kboo : FEMA Camps 20090817mon + Cointelpro 20090729wed
The "Challenger Panel" of candidates (Scott Forrester, Cris Andreae, Michael Papadopoulos PhD, Maire Cullen and Glen Owen) are meeting 9am Wednesday to discuss prospects for hammering out a common platform.
glen~ 503 287 3473
And in Comrade Papas own words:
Mai-not] ] Video: Demonizing 9/11 Truth - hearing on HR1955Um Ooookay. We mean, YES COMRADE!! Demonizing truth tellers! Even when they're not telling the truth!! That's exactly what's going on!!! Remember Noble Resolve! If not for these truth tellers the Portland Metro Area would be a smoking radioactive crater!!!!! Our Glorious Leader was there!!! Ghost Troop foreveh!
MichaelP papadop at
Fri Jan 11 19:07:02 PST 2008If you can access YouTube check this video
Brasscheck TV <>
Why are HR 1955 and other repressive laws becoming a necessity?
Because US citizens are getting too close to the truth?
What can a corrupt government do when it realizes that the people are
catching on
Demonize the truth tellers.
Right now, as you read this, the US government is engaged in a
sophisticated media campaign to equate 9/11 research with terrorism.
Sound outlandish? It's not.
It started with a Congressional hearing called: "Using the web as a weapon:
The Internet as a tool for violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism."
At this hearing, 9/11 Truth groups were lumped together with violent
You can watch them do it with your own eyes.
This is an extremely important video to spread.
From: William FoxThis is the context of these current KBOO maneuvers by the Enemies of the People!
Cc: Portland-Nuclear-Inquest@yahoogro ; GhostTroopWashingto nDC@yahoogroups. ca ; GhostTroopTexas@ yahoogroups. ca ; GhostTroopIllinois@ yahoogroups. ca ; GhostTroop@yahoogro ; GhostTroopApocalypt analysis@ yahoogroups. com ; polemics17@gmail. com ; drbuswell@gmail. com ; leon@lonestaricon. com ; srspooner@gmail. com ; kbarrett@merr. com ; jfetzer@.... edu ; sgtlee6@verizon. net ; piperm2@lycos. com ; editor@americanfree ; sma103@hotmail. com ; webmaster@rense. com ; webstertarpley@ ; guyrazer@yahoo. com ; davodees@hotmail. com ; johnstadtmiller@ ; deanna@spingola. co ; ted.anderson@ ; geo@gcnlive. com ; john.karshner@ cityofhouston. net ; wmreditor@waynemads enreport. com ; Michael.kucharek@ northcom. mil ; Keith.kosik@ ; politicalcesspool1@ ; ghosttroop@spiriton
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 10:12 PM
Subject: Seconding the warm wishes for a speedy recovery; and for your ability to outwit Mossad and the dark side (ADL-influenced) of FBI COINTELPRO
Dear Capt. May:
I wish to second the good wishes expressed by Lenny Bloom and Dr. Fetzer below.[more batass crazy stuff follows....]
This CAB/bylaws, or bylas, is nothing but a read herring distracting from the fact the Inner Party wants to distract members from doing anything that would make KBOO work for most of the community, not just the Non-Radical Radical Foil Hat crowd.
And what the HELL is Hadrian thinking taking on Comrade Papa? Look at his past record! Look at the guy himself! If you saw this guy wouldn't you fall into line with the Inner Party ASAP?
We thought so comrades! Nothing says Inner Party commitment like long term BDS bat ass crazy!
I'm scared.
ReplyDeleteAs you should be, Comrade. Else a place in the Coos Bay reeducation compound awaits!
DeleteNever understood how Michael Pappy stays on the board. Even without his 'foil hat' weirdness he screams loony with every word you hear out of his mouth.
ReplyDeleteKBOO has a larger problem of not being able to tell the difference between under-reported news and complete garbage.
DeleteFor instance:
Apr 6, 2009 - Host Lisa Loving speaks with Sofia Smallstorm of 9/11 Mysteries about chemtrails.
A search of Sofia Smallstorm will not produce ONE credible source. Not ONE. But it will bring up more foil hat websites than you can shake a stick at.
Anyone tempted to swallow the chemtrail Kool-aid has only to read the Wikipedia article:
It is well established by atmospheric scientists that contrails can not only persist for hours, but it is a perfectly normal characteristic for them to spread out into cirrus sheets.
These have no resemblance to exhaust or spaying by aircraft. Even understanding Loving's low journalistic standards, she should have been able to do basic research and pass on the subject.
This is the Inner Party's interpretation of "underserved communities".
Doesn't KBOO have standards for stories on it's website? Like they should be based in fact, not conspiracy fairtales?
"Apr 6, 2009 - Host Lisa Loving speaks with Sofia Smallstorm of 9/11 Mysteries about chemtrails."
DeleteLOL. Why am I not surprised?
Download your copy!
file link
"Never understood how Michael Pappy stays on the board."
DeleteWell maybe 400 people voted in the election last year
I voted for Michael Pappy for the board last year. It's not like there was abundance of rational candidates.
At least he doesn't support the staff collective.
"At least he doesn't support the staff collective."
DeleteWouldn't bet on that. Lots of people involved who aren't what they seem....
He's a nut. FFS
"I voted for Michael Pappy for the board last year. It's not like there was abundance of rational candidates."
DeleteA guy who attacks hired consultants and wants to bring "911truth and exposure of "fake progressivism"" to KBOO is a rational candidate?
A guy who attacks hired consultants and wants to bring "911truth and exposure of "fake progressivism"" to KBOO is a rational candidate?
DeleteYep, The standards at KBOO might seem a touch out of line with the rest of the world.
>>Yep, The standards at KBOO might seem a touch out of line with the rest of the world.
DeleteThat's why KBOO's key goal is to serve Portland's huge conspiracy fairytale-prone community, Comrade!
"Download your copy!"
DeleteYou can also get it here:
"13 0409 kboo Lisa Loving talkls with Sophia Smallstorm (911 MYSTERIES) re Chemtrails and presentation at Multnomah Friends 2:30pm Sat Apr 11th"
You'll also find such quality programs like anti-Semite agitator MikeRivero of and
Stephen Lendman of conspiracy heavy
Now, how do I get out of this Rabbit Hole?
"It's not like there was abundance of rational candidates."
DeleteLet's get this straight: the other candidates were LESS rational? What were THEY doing? Firebombing cars? Stealing office supplies?
That's a good question.
DeleteSeveral of the board candidates sent in their applications a day or two before applications were due and wouldn't give a straight answer about who they were, what their history was, why they were running for the board, nor who they were friends with at KBOO. Most of these folks had zero history at KBOO. Some were elected to the board, others were not.
Less rational than Michael? Hard to tell, and possibly depends on the issue at hand. At least Pappy was a known entity. (what he was known for is another issue)
I never said Michael was rational, I said there weren't many rational folks. At some point you had to pick which irrational person you'll vote for.
Michael supports having the members vote on everything. It's not all that practical, but he is consistent.
Theresa and her band of hooligans are attempting to work together with him, as she doesn't really want the membership to vote on things, but rather wants to take the authority away from Lynn. Politics makes interesting bedfellows.
She no more wants to give the power to 5,000 people than does she want Lynn to have it. She just wants to stall anything happening to her wife, er I mean staff, make that award winning staff
I'm guessing no one commenting on here ran for the board (other than perhaps Mackey or Rabia) because 6 of the 8 candidates made their way onto the board, with Alejandro being prohibited due to citizenship requirements, and David Haseltine never to be heard from again, as far as I can tell.
Was Jeff Kipilman a better use of a vote?
"Several of the board candidates sent in their applications a day or two before applications were due and wouldn't give a straight answer about who they were, what their history was, why they were running for the board, nor who they were friends with at KBOO. Most of these folks had zero history at KBOO. "
DeleteThanks. That gives some perspective.
OTOH so what? The guy is a loon with a conspiratard agenda attacking consultants. That automatically disqualifies him. Like TM, he's got an agenda that has nothing to do with serving the community.
"Theresa and her band of hooligans are attempting to work together with him, as she doesn't really want the membership to vote on things, but rather wants to take the authority away from Lynn. Politics makes interesting bedfellows."
Do some digging. Papa's association with Glorious Leader has nothing to do with KBOO politics. They both go back to a loose group of crazies in the conspiracy fairytale-prone community.
It's right there in the article "Oregon Chemtrails".
Give me a break.
Sounds like someone just wants to make excuses to keep violent crazy people at KBOO.
DeleteSounds like someone wants to make excuses for keeping crazy ppl at KBOO
DeleteI'm not trying to make excuses, I was trying to say that last year there were not enough good choices, so one had to choose. I don't believe this blog existed to educate voters last year, nor should one expect 5,000 members to actually do research on their ballot.
DeleteThat is the quandary we all continue to face.
"I'm not trying to make excuses, I was trying to say that last year there were not enough good choices, so one had to choose. I don't believe this blog existed to educate voters last year, nor should one expect 5,000 members to actually do research on their ballot."
DeleteAre you the same commenter who said "Well maybe 400 people voted in the election last year" ? 400 ppl cared enough to vote, but didn't do the research?
And why shouldn't we expect them to do research? This is supposed to be member run/supported radio. Or does that just mean members should parrot the loudest loons?
Maybe KBOO needs a "none of the above" option if choices are that grim.
"Are you the same commenter who said "Well maybe 400 people voted in the election last year" ?"
DeleteDon't think it's the same person.
>>Maybe KBOO needs a "none of the above" option if choices are that grim.
DeleteThis is a good idea. Also, assaulting consultants should automatically disqualify someone from running. -_-
"Doesn't KBOO have standards for stories on it's website? Like they should be based in fact, not conspiracy fairytales?"
ReplyDeleteKBOO's key goal is to serve Portland's huge conspiracy fairytale-prone community, Comrade!
Don't you know that KBOO kept a dirty bomb from being detonated in Portland?
"Don't you know that KBOO kept a dirty bomb from being detonated in Portland?"
DeletePortland is only safe if the INNER PARTY maintains control of KBOO!
Ben and Hadrian would try to negotiate with the Illuminati false flagger bombers! Or worse, not take Glorious Leaders warnings seriously! They certainly would NOT have the courage to make fools of themselves in public screaming "The Gubmint's gonna nuke Portland"!
That's the Leadership we need at KBOO today!
In Italian, Papa means THE POPE. So if we're gonna be respectful, keep in mind what we mean by Comrade Papa! Considering how long it took there should have been white smoke when he was finally a board member!
Habemus Papadopalous
DeleteMP is not a lawyer, but he plays one on the KBOO Board. For all of his citations of Oregon State law and our by-laws, he lacks some essential information on basic matters. I once asked him who owns KBOO. He said "the members." I asked who KBOO exists to serve. "The members." Wrong and wrong. On the first question, he is mistaking a marketing slogan for the legal reality. It's no longer allowed, but programmers doing pitches at pledge time still say out of habit, or ignorance, that by becoming a member of KBOO, you own it.
ReplyDeleteA 501(c)(3) determination from the IRS, which KBOO has, is a declaration of a certain kind of ownership of the business. It is owned by no one in particular, but everyone in general. The best way to understand that is knowing what happens if KBOO goes out of business. After settling any of its outstanding financial obligations, all the remaining assets go to another 501(c)(3). If members were owners, the assets would go to them. That's not only prohibited by the IRS, but also the state of OR. Why? Because we are a public benefit corporation. Our assets are in perpetuity dedicated to the public good. We are owned by the public and governed by a Board which controls KBOO's assets, but only in furtherance of its mission. It is true that the members have some control over the corporation, but its limited to electing and removing Board members, and voting on by-law changes.
On the 2nd question, who does KBOO serve, the proper answer is "The public." We are not the Elks Club. If we wanted to serve our members, KBOO would have to be a Mutual Benefit Corporation in the state and a 501(c)(17) with the IRS. If that were true, KBOO would not be a radio station.
We do not serve our members. Rather, our members serve KBOO, by supporting our mission of serving the unserved and underserved. The staff exist to serve our volunteers. The Board exists to serve as stewards of the corporations assets. Unfortunately, that understanding is lacking at all levels.
"A 501(c)(3) determination from the IRS, which KBOO has, is a declaration of a certain kind of ownership of the business. It is owned by no one in particular, but everyone in general. The best way to understand that is knowing what happens if KBOO goes out of business. "
DeleteThis is a great exercise to drive all sorts of points home:what happens if KBOO fails.
It also cuts through the bs of using people as proxies by feeding them misinformation or lies.
I think a lot of people confuse "member" with "public" and "public good". Or they have the same fuzzy feelings for both, then conflate them.
The KBOO mission is not for sale, not for the thousands we could get from a grant-maker to do their bidding, and not for $20 a pop members who might expect KBOO to serve only their interests and their ideology. Certainly, members are part of the public, and to the degree that they are part of an unserved or underserved community, KBOO would be serving these members by serving their community. We are, after all, underdog radio. However, we need to start letting all of the underdogs in the door. There are unserved and underserved and unheard communities in the Portland area that KBOO makes little or no effort to listen to. In that, KBOO is aligned with corporate radio. That's not only unfortunate, its reprehensible.
Delete"MP is not a lawyer" ... nor is he the pope.
DeleteTime to come clean. During one of the yearly hysterical fights between factions at KBOO (while MP and SF were busy suing KBOO) I am the person MP refered to as "anonymouse" during the online wars at over the FCC rules regarding citizenship for the board. In fact, I made about a third of the posts in the thread I posted anonomously as having just finished being defamed by TM, GH, and the usual suspects at KBOO I didn't think it would help to post as myself. Ironic isn't it, that I was posting to support the more sane positions of staff and some of the board, protecting the same KBOO that had allowed me to be publicly abused earlier.
In those posts I said while I'm not a lawyer, I can read and understand the FCC decision that was used to deny MP a seat on the board ... and posted the direct link to the ruling from the FCC website. It really isn't hard to understand and I took a stand against MP and crew because I saw their actions as potentially damaging to the very existence of KBOO as a radio station.
In my arguments with MP and a few others, I agreed that the law restricting the percentage of non citizens on the board was odd, but if he didn't like the law he should lobby his representatives to change the law. Simply ignoring the law or pretending it didn't exist was irresponsobile and could threaten the license. I also said at the time that it very well could have been convenient to those who were opposed to him being on the board that this rule excluded him till another resident alien quit or retired, but at that time I didn't have a dog in that fight. I do now.
MP was finally seated on the board I believe because another non-citizen member left. No judge could have forced KBOO to seat him on the board if in that moment doing so would violate FCC rules. MP got onto the board the same way most of the board ends up there, by taking empty seats once other people have been run off the board.
I found his appearance on radio during the last election cycle very odd. He would not take a stand on anything except to say he'd go along with others in his cadre. Go ahead and find the audio, it's worth listening to. Having board members who don't understand basic FCC rules, who sued the station when the station followed those rules, who ran for election on a platform of "I won't take a stand except that KBOO is the members" ... I gotta say it's sad.
Now we have a board who votes to say they don't understand the basic documents about board procedure, nothing really changes does it? This is way deeper than the programming, how is KBOO going to survive it's own governance?
BTW, I spoke towards the end of the board meeting in early June. I was very surprised to see Michael applauding what I had to say. Wish I had video of that moment.
"Ironic isn't it, that I was posting to support the more sane positions of staff and some of the board, protecting the same KBOO that had allowed me to be publicly abused earlier."
DeleteSpeaking for the gang, we don't agree with you on everything, but you fucking rock, sir. :)
"BTW, I spoke towards the end of the board meeting in early June. I was very surprised to see Michael applauding what I had to say. Wish I had video of that moment."
DeleteNot completely a surprise.
One tactic of groups fronting to be more radical than thou, but wanting to keep secret control, is having members "defect" or befriend and commiserate with persons who pose a threat. They can put on a good act, but give themselves away eventually.
One clue is they rarely "confront the problem" when the person they're trying to fool is not watching. They will have almost ZERO history privately trying to talk sense into the troublemaker.
Another clue: even though they publicly confront the problem, they're never targeted for attacks by the "inner party". The same people who rave like loons at the slightest imagined party disloyalty give these people a pass.
Third clue: (watch out for this one) while they privately commiserate with the target, and encourage them to act, they will not step out into the limelight. And, strangely, the Party always seems one step ahead of the target.
All the above plays on the target's reasonable and understanding nature, and difficulty believing there are people who will lie to their face over this petty bullshit.
Thank all the informant pricks at OWS for the above lesson!
You forgot to add: if you suspect you're a target, don't tip the person off! Don't even talk about the idea! Play along, watch them, and even feed them info you don't care about or is even made up and see if it pops up where it shouldn't. And document everyfuckingthing.