Public Notice
KBOO Board of Directors Meetings for July 2013
Monday, July 29th, 2013, 6pm
20 SE 8th Avenue, Portland, OR
KBOO Board of Directors Meetings for July 2013
Monday, July 29th, 2013, 6pm
20 SE 8th Avenue, Portland, OR
On the agenda:
1. Fire Traitor Fitch
2. Failing to fire her, move her office to Storage Room B or C. The one with the rats in it.
3. Confirm KBOO is a private radio club
4. Confirm official language of KBOO's private radio club is Swedish(we jumped the gun comrades, but it's a shoo in, we're certain!)
5. Throw out Thom Hartman petition from BlueOregon. Possibly laugh maniacally while we do it (Take THAT, Kari!)
6: Get to bottom of Mark Sherman board candidate list leak (Leakgate?)
7. Let Board President waste as much KBOO money as he wants
8. Adjourn at 7:30(if there' no traitors to witchhunt, things go much faster)
But before we get to our Conch submissions, we thought we'd share some intriguing blog searches over the last couple weeks, ever since the search function was explained to readers: purchased john mackey%27s personnel file with unauthorized funds%3F malfeseance Susman and Shank foundation attorneys lies to foundation attorneys makes himelf 3rd party is ani haines%27 bitch puppet SW Conser %22hey I felt that%22 requests documents from KBOO attorneys under false pretenses. tortured mercilessly as child by big brother turns into bully estraordinaire as overgrown juvenile adult. marion newly %22certified%22 counselor therapist %28I know%21%21%29 sends boyfriend with dementia packing when he can%27t pay the bills. But she liked him a lot%21
28 Jul conch hoodwink the board into condoning his expenditure for a board candidates personnel file monday night
That last bears watching!
What this means we don't know. Depressing poetry? A new way to leak information? But we're sure it's a sign tongues are wagging somewhere!
Cadre Craft Corner Results
Almost two weeks ago cadre were invited to submit their own Conch/Conser memes, based on our new tag line, "You must be new here".
The results are in! Amusing, offbeat, off topic, or simply off, words fail the Inner party! All are worth the inevitable gossip sure to explode tonight!
[Any late submissions will be added as they come in because we're such softies.]
Now, with no further ado....CONDESCENDING CONCH BY CADRE!
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1 loyaltytest by trav |
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2 newsuckers by anon |
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3 conchcows by anon |
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4 conchcop by crp |
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5 conserhivemind by anon |
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6 conchlunch by anon |
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7 stealfunds by anon |
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8 conventani by anon |
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9 uncaring by anon |
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10 new people suck by anon |
Share your favorite in comments below! The most popular one will replace the "EVIL FITCH" widget. We think real cadre already know that by now. *wink*
-Meresa Titchell
Vänta. KBOO är medlemsstaterna körningen organisation. Vi ledamöter har beslutat Svenska är det officiella språket. Vi behöver inte styrelsen att godkänna den! Ner med brädan!
ReplyDeleteConserhivemind has the nice Inner Party misspelling touch(don't think it was irony lol), but I like the Ventriloquism one(8). Says so much with so little.
ReplyDeleteWhoah. Conch is a COP?
ReplyDeleteKBOO's influence goes farther than you think, Comrade!
DeleteConch is an actor. It was probably a role in something. His profession was mentioned at indy:
"Conch, Part-time Actor"
>>It was probably a role in something.
Delete"Grimm" I heard. Don't know if they used the footage.
Ever notice how in every picture his head leans to the right?
ReplyDeleteEven the one where he's a cop, lol
DeleteWow, there are some pretty serious offenses there that have never been mentioned in public up to this point (that I know of). Be interesting to see these allegations discussed in public.
ReplyDeleteconch purchased john mackey personnel file with unauthorized funds
Conch malfeseance Susman and Shank foundation attorneys
conch lies to foundation attorneys makes himelf 3rd party
conch requests documents from KBOO attorneys under false pretenses.
watch conch hoodwink the board into condoning his expenditure for a board candidates personnel file monday night
"conch lies to foundation attorneys makes himelf 3rd party"
Delete3rd party in what I wonder?
"watch conch hoodwink the board into condoning his expenditure for a board candidates personnel file monday night"
It wouldn't be so strange if ALL the candidates had bg checks(this still wouldn't be the prez'z job), but they say it's just for ONE candidate.
Guess it's obvious:either Kraus or Hoyne(assuming this is accurate intel)
I've kept my mouth shut in public about what happened in closed session for 10 months, as being there required a duty of loyalty to the foundation.
DeleteI've asked the board repeatedly to engage the discussions taken that day.
Please refrain from suggesting that I've leaked previously confidential information.
From Anon 11:24 AM
DeleteSorry. All I meant was it's obvious who "they" are likely to blame. Based on passed behavior. I have no idea one way or the other. Just a reader.
Unfortunately we can't confirm or deny anything without putting one or another party under suspicion. Let's stay frosty ppl. Today tensions seem particularly high.
I think anon was taking about the possible target of background checks(?), not who or whom leaked the information.
From Anon 11:24 AM
Deletepassed *past*
I hear you, but there are some pretty big allegations out there.
DeleteI've had countless opportunities to disclose confidential information but have never taken that opportunity, despite a firm belief that membership should be alerted to my concerns.
This blog is disclosing search records that contain allegations that are not public knowledge (again, as far as I know).
Where the searchers heard these allegations? Who knows.
If the allegations have some credibility (and I cannot say whether I think the do or don't) logic would dictate that only board members (some recently past, some current) would have this knowledge. Ed Kraus fits neither category, I fit one. The board is well aware of my concerns.
At the past board meeting in open session, it was said that Conch committed some actions that could get the foundation sued. Unfortunately, I didn't hear anyone asking a follow up.
Perhaps Conch is searching himself, seeing what allegations have been publicly shared on this blog. Perhaps someone else is searching for information.
"Ed Kraus fits neither category, I fit one. The board is well aware of my concerns."
DeleteGotcha. Readers, keep this in mind.
"Perhaps Conch is searching himself, seeing what allegations have been publicly shared on this blog. Perhaps someone else is searching for information."
Both definitely among the many possibilities.
And keep this in mind:
DeleteAt the past board meeting in open session, it was said that Conch committed some actions that could get the foundation sued. Unfortunately, I didn't hear anyone asking a follow up.
"Where the searchers heard these allegations? Who knows."
DeleteThat's been true for our Inner Party blabber mouth Theresa Mitchell for what? Years? The grapevine is not controlled by Inner Party, staff delusions not withstanding. I bet people outside the board find out shit all the time, but keep quiet cuz they're afraid.
Possibly related: a friend of Grace's left their iPhone at KBOO. Nassar had a cow:
"Steve Nassar Yikes!!! I read the "To:" line on the first couple of emails in it, and they were "to:" you, Grace.
Suspicious... If I were you, I'd contact Kathleen or Ani and find out who claims that phone..."
It's a surprise more shit doesn't get out with this group of flakes!
Låt oss se kamrat Conch sök referenser till sig själv när referenserna är på svenska!
Delete"as being there required a duty of loyalty to the foundation."
DeleteWhat about Conch's duty? It's fucking obvious he's the source of "Glorious Leaders" and Ani's info. He goes to Theresa and Ani's parties. And notice TM's fig leaf on her blog "this is my opinion"? HORSESHIT. She's getting it leaked to her from the board.
FWIW most regular Inner Party visitors have been avoiding the blog for the last 12 hours or so...
Deleteas being there required a duty of loyalty to the foundation."
DeleteWhat about Conch's duty?
Duty to the foundation only matters if the membership demands it.
Better get 50 people ready to storm the board meeting tonight, or 200 to show up at Tabor Space, or 1,000 to vote in the election.
Otherwise, no one will call him on it.
Not even Comrade Thomspon?
"FWIW most regular Inner Party visitors have been avoiding the blog for the last 12 hours or so..."
DeleteThey are preparing to Immanentize the Eschaton at the board meeting. The Old Ones are about to arise out of the Watery Depths.
De förbereder att Immanentize den Eschaton vid styrelsemötet. De gamla är på väg att uppstå ur den vattniga djup.
Something's been bothering me about this:
Delete"Ben HoyneJuly 29, 2013 at 11:36 AM
I've kept my mouth shut in public about what happened in closed session for 10 months, as being there required a duty of loyalty to the foundation."
My understanding is "duty of loyalty" does not mean covering illegal actions. I've run into this in jobs where they try to pressure people to wave safety procedures or short breaks, and the proper answer is always, "You aren't paying me enough to break the law."
And as a board member you're not getting paid at all. So, I'm not sure how, if you have proof of illegal actions or conspiracy to do illegal actions, "duty of loyalty" even applies.
I like the loyalty test. What are you gonna say when you know it's a LOYALTY TEST?
ReplyDeleteVar Viking hjälmar till styrelsemötet, kamrater!
ReplyDeleteNu den inre partiet känner här bloggen drivs av en svensk från Happy Valley!
Var kan jag få min viking hjälmar på kort varsel?
Deleteeng:And don't forget meatballs. Lots and lots of meatballs.
Deleteswed:Och glöm inte köttbullar. Massor av köttbullar.
I've never served on this board, so have not heard first hand any of the discussions that occurred in closed session. But insider members have clearly been planning for the election by reading the candidate statements, as yesterday at the station an insider (regular programmer) asked me some innocent questions about what I do for a living that would indicate that information from my board application has been discussed among insiders, while those on the outside only found out yesterday who is even being considered a candidate. So while perhaps not illegal, it's certainly been a stacked process to date. FWIW I believe the conversation was innocent on the part of the person I spoke with, but it shows access to information in this elections process is being selectively given to some and not others. It's a very serious issue who will run this election.
ReplyDeleteKBOO has some really strange history, most of which I'm only hearing for the first time in the last several months. From what's been alleged by multiple former board members, it's one coverup after another. All you have to do is find the people who have resigned from the board or been thrown off, and you'll get one story after another. You can find some of the detritus of these fights in the blogs at if you dig deep, and as some selective posts by some former board members were deleted eventually (made allegations directly against staff), you might have to dig deeper to figure some of it out. I'm still only partly informed.
Nothing will change unless the membership demands change. So far the only thing that has motivated over 200 members at a time is suggesting that the manager was a union busting corporate demon. And built into the Iron Rice Bowl is that most board members are serving to protect the radio station that lets them have air time. If telling the truth would imperil the future of the station, the most predictable outcome would be to ignore or cover things up. This reality that most Board Members either are programmers, or have close friends who are programmers or staff is one serious reason why governance at KBOO is broken. KBOO needs new bylaws, not just new board members as having a board that is independent of the staff and independent of actual programmers can help it see what will serve the long terms interests of community radio, not the short term interests of people who have radio egos (myself included).
So today we have a board whose duty of loyalty is to the interests of the staff and insider programmers. This won't change even if four board members who can think straight get elected in the fall. Stay tuned as this no doubt will get even more convoluted and tangled than it is already, but there needs to be a deeper commitment than one election cycle.
"FWIW I believe the conversation was innocent on the part of the person I spoke with, but it shows access to information in this elections process is being selectively given to some and not others. It's a very serious issue who will run this election. "
DeleteThey probably were 'innocent', but this is a climate where whisper campaigns thrive. That person is seduced by being made to feel special with privileged information. From there they will be manipulated as far as they can be useful. It's pretty disgusting.
"KBOO has some really strange history, "
From stories I've heard it can be summed up as being run by radicals going so far left they embraced the right, and didn't notice. That's a little tongue in cheek, but not much. It's a creepy kind of "tolerance" that guarantees banishment to the fringe. Then they complain about how marginalized and oppressed they are and get a masochistic high on being "true to their convictions". Many leftists fell for this schtick during the Bush years. Now it's all too obvious how hysterical and extreme the internal culture is.
"Nothing will change unless the membership demands change."
Oh things will change when the bank forecloses and the assets are sold off. [very dark humor there]
"This reality that most Board Members either are programmers, or have close friends who are programmers or staff is one serious reason why governance at KBOO is broken...
...So today we have a board whose duty of loyalty is to the interests of the staff and insider programmers. This won't change even if four board members who can think straight get elected in the fall."
Agree 100%. In fact whoever's running cannot be trusted unless they get behind bringing KBOO out of the ghetto of nepotism 110%.
Or, as WOW puts it at feedbackpdxradio:
DeleteI don't have any personal knowledge about KBOO but have worked with several non profits. The problem that seems to happen over and over with many of them is that over the years the organization is hi-jacked by a few individuals that claim to be well meaning. They turn the organization into their personal plaything and run off anyone that questions their motives. In reading the postings here it sounds like what has happened to KBOO.
Running a non profit is very challenging and it is hard to find people willing to give their time. But a good non profit with a good cause should always be able to find people. Most well run non profits have term limits in their bylaws that will prevent people from taking over an organization and hi-jacking it for their own. Anyone elected to a seat on the board or as an officer can only stay for a pre-determined term. This keeps too much power from falling into any one person or groups hands. It also makes sense from a financial standpoint as no one person controls the organizations finances for more than a short period. This prevents theft.
The big problem that happens is once you get into the position that it sounds like KBOO is now in it becomes impossible to pry people out or make the changes necessary in the bylaws that will improve the organization.
Andy is correct. At this point it is mostly conjecture. Time will tell if they are really in trouble. If they are, it may be better to let them go over the cliff and convince a bankruptcy judge to put a new board in place. It sounds like there is people that support the cause and that there are GOOD people willing to help. A house cleaning might be just what is needed to put things in order.
Posted on April 28, 2013 - 07:34 PM #
You missed an agenda item: finding program proposal forms for Democracy Now and Presswatch:
And I like the steal funds one. It's exaggerating the crime, but nails his attitude perfectly.
DeleteIn case it's a surprise to anyone, this motion passed with flying colors and no real discussion, other than to say they've already spoken about it.
ReplyDelete12. Consideration of the legitimacy of legal expenditures for Fall 2012 10 minutes
Lisa Loving
PURPOSE: To The Board of Directors shall attempt to come to a decision regarding the legitimacy of legal expenditures incurred between the KBOO Foundation and Sussman Shank LLP to be legitimate.
MOTION: Based on background information detailed in the body of this item, the Board of Directors deems the expenditures incurred in September and October of 2012 between the KBOO Foundation and Sussman Shank LLP to be legitimate.
BACKGROUND: In September of 2012, KBOO's employment law firm Sussman Shank was called upon for counsel and documentation by KBOO Board President S.W. Conser, acting on time-sensitive Foundation business between regularly-scheduled Board meetings. In the absence of a viable Executive Committee, the Member-at-Large having been recently removed,and with the newly-appointed Interim Station Manager traveling abroad, the Board President acted under authority of Article VII, Section 6 of KBOO's bylaws.
At this time, counsel was sought from Sussman Shank regarding circumstances discussed in closed session of the Board on September 24, 2012. Following this closed session, related action was not immediately taken by the board but was set in motion, at the suggestion of the Board, by the Interim Station Manager, as indicated in the Interim Manager Report (Item 8/
Management: "We are revising volunteer/access policies") delivered at the October 22, 2012 Board meeting.
Subsequent access-related incidents, discussed in closed session of the Board on November 26,2012, led to action by the Board, namely "Removal of a KBOO Foundation Director for Cause."
Documentation was also sought from Sussman Shank in September of 2012, based on a need arising from related circumstances discussed in closed session of the Board on November 28, 2011 and December 19, 2011.
What happened at the meeting is more complicated than that. I'll provide a summary when I've had a chance to review carefully.
DeleteAnother thing that occurred at the board meeting which is interesting.
ReplyDeleteKBOO appointed a lead negotiator for the foundation/membership in the union negotiations with staff.
Board Member Timothy Welp was selected as the member of choice, likely due to his background in union negotiations. In his day job, Timothy serves as a union organizer at SEIU.
So a union organizer is representing the 5,500 person foundation in negotiations with the newly organized union staffers.
There were no questions about a conflict of interest.
Oh yeah, at the meeting last night Timothy said "in his professional opinion" he does not see the need for KBOO to have lawyers present during negotiations, but only have them for advice if needed.
Don't worry, this should work out fine.
9. Delegation of Negotiating Authority to Management Team 10 Minutes
S.W. Conser
PURPOSE: To select experienced negotiators to represent management during upcoming collective bargaining sessions with Communications Workers Local 7901.
MOTION: The Board of Directors shall choose at least two negotiators to represent management during upcoming collective bargaining sessions with Communications Workers Local 7901.
A good summary. I'll put it bluntly.
Delete1) got rid of Fitch and any new rules.
2) got friendly board by appointing friends.
3) appointed a board member whom I guess was or is a union rep to be negotiating on behalf of the foundation.
4) new negotiator (3 above) for KBOO announces that it won't take long at all to get to a contract.
5) while discussing possible labor law firms, another board member says he can't report anything arranged yet as every firm he contacts suggests KBOO contact a different law firm. Apparently when you trash the reputation of a law firm publicly, no one wants you as a client.
6) the opinion is expressed that as negotiations are expected to go smoothly representation might not be necessary. (I don't recall at this moment if that comment was from this last meeting 7/29 or from 7/15).
It's good to know the 5500 members of KBOO don't need any representation, that no law firm will deal with us, and that we've got union folks in charge of representing the employer in negotiations with the union.
"1) got rid of Fitch "
DeleteSo she's not on medical leave?
Told her to leave the meeting on bogus reasons, refused her input.
DeleteI've got some new nuance, posting it here to keep it nearby the related content.
DeleteI've listened carefully before posting and will add the following detail from the conversation re action item 9, putting together a negotiating team for KBOO.
Timothy " ... personally, as a guy who does contract negotiations, this is a very straight forward situation. We don't need to make it harder than it is ...."
a bit forward
Michael P. " ... as people are negotiating on behalf of staff, and board members are part of that negotiation, those board members owe a duty of loyalty to the staff because the staff are members ... "
some fast comments back and forth
MP " This is a barganing between the Foundation and it's members"
a few more comments
Conch "I think there is a legal definition of duty of loyalty, and there is a less official definition ... so let's leave that up to a review report at sometime, about boundaries"
Wow. In a nutshell everyone contributed something serious to showing how delicate the situation now is.
Timothy says this will be easy, and says he can handle it, and also to his credit aknowledges that there are laws governing the process. So a union organizer who is aware of the process will represent the employer. Unfortunately the board never asked if he has experience representing anyone other than labor, and if he could in good faith represent the employer this time round. So the largest issue isn't Timothy, it's the board not asking the question if there could be a conflict of interest, and not asking if this was appropriate.
Michael P offers some very interesting comments, especially in light of previous comments from Hadrian that often MP is very aware of precise details of governance. It's not clear if MP is advocating that board members SHOULD have loyalty to the staff while negotiating against them, or if he is pointing out the inherent difficulty. Staff are members of KBOO, so if the board has a duty of loyalty to all members, how can board members go against the interests of the staff in negotiations? What at first sounds like crazy talk from MP actually is deadly serious. I'll share more of conversations with MP later this week.
Conch tries to have his cake and eat it too. Actually a very cogent comment. There certainly are legal and ethical definitions that are swirling round this entire mess, and a lot of it does have to do with appropriate boundaries.
More to follow.
Och nu låter vi Thom Hartmann förslaget sjunka som en sten i Bottenviken...
ReplyDeleteWe didn't get rid of EVIL FITCH?
ReplyDeleteDenna anmärkning har ingenting att göra med Lisa Loving och Conch. Jag vill bara att de ska ha för att översätta det, kamrater!
ReplyDeleteSverige är mycket trevligt för en semester den här tiden på året! Det finns de spektakulära fjordar (oops - de är i Norge), de vänliga människorna och den charmiga älg. Så länge du håller dig borta från idioterna i Norge, Finland och Danmark, är Skandinavien en underbar plats för besök!
Enough with the Swedish already.
ReplyDeleteLynn Fitch is on medical leave until early September I think folks said. At least one board member (maybe Mark Sherman) said "if she comes back" not sure if that is insight, wishful thinking, or something else.
Vad är det för fel? Endast fiender till folket inte förstår svenska! HA HA HA
DeleteWhat's wrong? Only Enemies of the People can't understand Swedish! HA HA HA
"Lynn Fitch is on medical leave until early September I think folks said. "
DeletePaid leave? I think the Inner Party just got out maneuvered. Nice.
Apparently, Lynn is on leave, but KBOO doesn't have any short term disability insurance. So she's taking UNPAID leave by using up her sick and vacation time.
Delete"So she's taking UNPAID leave by using up her sick and vacation time. "
DeleteOkay that's depressing.
Wait...what about all those excessive bennies staff was fighting tooth and nail to keep? I though paid vacation was one of them. Oh well.
Comment from the mothership,
ReplyDeleteI told you so. says:
July 30, 2013 at 2:44 pm
Well, it seems that Theresa is still working hard to edit out the past SaveKBOO posts that she doesn’t want people to remember. The latest was removed after the horrendous board meeting, last night,
The SaveKBOO masters were so proud of the fact that they had packed the board with their allies who would vote the way they wanted them to vote… until last night when it was shown that Mark Sherman has plans of his own and he doesn’t have to listen to Ani any longer.
Now that the Queen of Assassins and the Messiah of the Fanatics are no longer working together, a bloodbath between the two misinformation factions is the only outcome. Ani was the first to show fear while Mark showed only contempt.
It’s now only a matter of time before the defamation of Mark Sherman begins to be whispered within the KBOO halls. We all know the routine so it’s not a surprise to any of us.
We’ll see who gets run off first.
Watch out for a tactic common to scammers and conmen:
DeleteMembers pretending to "see reason" or "defect" to get into the confidence of organized opposition.
This is crucial at the stage of setting up a new organization: these same people will try to split off to get in on the ground floor.
In the first case look at their history and get them ON RECORD refuting or explaining previous irresponsible positions. People who really defect feel strongly and pull no punches. People faking will try to play both sides as long as they can, or be vague.
In the second case, the new organization needs to be brutal about only allowing people with access who share the values of responsible business practices. Anyone who doesn't "get it" should be shown the door. This can be done kindly, but is has to be done.
Huh? Where does Mark Sherman's agenda diverge from Ani's?
ReplyDelete"Where does Mark Sherman's agenda diverge from Ani's?"
DeleteDitto. This was the same guy trying to pump Hadrian for info, dragging along hapless Jill S. as a witness. Sorry, he's a scumbag.
Correction, he "acted like a scumbag". It's hard to come up with a reason why he'd do something like that though:
Delete-Pump a board member for info while clearly having an "inner party" agenda
-drag a volunteer along to prop up as gosh I'm glad I have a witness.
-the he surprise surprise gets appointed to the board
Which blogs are gone?
DeleteThey look all there to me. So far we only have the say so of a comment on Glorious Leader's semi abandoned blog.
DeleteIMHO the only reason she keeps it going is to log traffic. Assuming she knows how to do that.
"Where does Mark Sherman's agenda diverge from Ani's?"
DeleteIt doesn't. He's a KKK clown:
"Subject: Re: KBOO Bd mtg this Monday - please RSVP
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 12:56:36 -0700
From: Keep Kboo
To: Keep Kboo
The following motions are being presented at the KBOO Board meeting on
Monday, June 24, 6pm at 20 SE 8th
Please show up to support!
*** Please RSVP to
Anyone seen this comment at Thom's website?
"As a member of KBOO and involved player in this controversy, let me add that I agree that Thom's offer was a good faith one. The problem is that KBOO would have to take all three hours, and that would have a major and I believe detrimental impact on its daily schedule. KBOO is not some college or struggling non-profit where there is not enough good programming to fill the airtime. The range of music and ethnic diversity in the Noon to Three is too much to replace with talk radio. Even the best of it."
"The idea that KBOO is struggling and needs to change its format to reach a new, broader demographic to make fund-raising work is also either naive or corrupt."
"Typical of the contempt for the membership was the 'survey' she pitched to those who would like to hear Thom on KBOO. It did not go to the program committee, and the "survey" was an opinion push poll rather than a solid proposal with clear ups and downs."
There's more but it's a tl;dr mess of contradictions. I suspect the work of Hagmeier.
It's time people face up to reality: KBOO as we know(knew? thought we knew?) it is dead.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is great and I'm not suggesting it stop or anything, but just to be aware of facts:
Reading comments there might be 20 people who leave comments not counting the blog owners. Most of them appear to be involved with KBOO in some way. But they obviously don't have enough influence at the station to make sanity happen. On one hand it's great this outlet is here. It also sends a message the "inner party" can't control everything. But it's a sign of the depressing times they HAVE to comment on a KBOO unconnected resource. Because the truth is the "inner party" people will viciously go after anyone who looks like a threat, ie: expects them to act like responsible adults.
On the "inner party" side, there is a core that have maneuvered themselves into a power, and manipulated the rules in their favor. The plus side is they no longer feel secure bragging about this is public. That shows they know they're weak. They also have to explain why they're not so bold anymore and "we're afraid the yellow blog will mock us" doesn't sound impressive. But they have the force of inertia now.
Anyone is kidding themselves that this coming election will make a difference. It won't change the dysfunctional structure. Also there has been no reply to or commitment about transparency in the election process. There needs to be an outside body counting votes.
The other problem I haven't seen mentioned one way or the other is who informs membership of anything? Candidates? Election statements? Issues? OH YEAH! KBOO! With it's defensive whiny president and defensive whiny webmaster.
So it's great this blog is here and it's great the "inner party" knows they're aren't as invincible as they thought. But the message isn't getting out to all of KBOO members.
How many KBOO members even know there is a problem? Do members get emails of board minutes? For all of Theresa Mitchell's storm the barricades bullshit, her "organizing" has been directed at those loyal to the inner party. I'd be very surprised to see evidence she sent out an invite to ALL of the KBOO membership for her Fitch roasting stunts.
"Inner Party" preaching to choir, spying on "yellow blog", plotting moves privately
SKFSK preaching to choir, spying on "Inner Party", mocking same publicly
Most KBOO members: have no idea what's going on, or even that anything's happening.
That last needs to change.
Maybe it's time:
Ridiculous, don't waste the electrons. No one gives a shit about bbb.
DeleteFalse dichotomy. Don't think anyone was suggesting it's either/or. But if it was:
Election: best results all new sane people, but organization remains the same. No effective change, secrecy remains.
BBB: No change to organization, but public record available to anyone.
"Ridiculous, don't waste the electrons. No one gives a shit about bbb"
DeleteNewsflash nimrod: no one gives a shit about the elections either. The Inner Party's made sure of that by keeping candidates secret and having a strangle hold on election related information from KBOO.
Go ahead, ask a random KBOO member not aware of this shit what the upcoming election is about and how important it is to vote. What do they say?
Possible Election Results:
Delete4 sane people elected to the board, begin to ask questions.
Board refuses to address concerns or answer questions with any detail.
SW Conser and board continue to perpetuate cover up of actions taken in September of 2012.
Lawsuits to begin to emerge from these activities.
Board holds its ground, nothing to see here.
4 recently elected sane people don't want anything to do with this board nor the legal quagmire.
4 sane people begin to leave the board, replaced by more kool aid drinkers.
By summer (spring?) of 2014, board is once again 12 kool aid drinkers, election of 2014, process repeats itself.
"Possible Election Results:
Delete4 sane people elected to the board, begin to ask questions.
Board refuses to address concerns or answer questions with any detail.
SW Conser and board continue to perpetuate cover up of actions taken in September of 2012.
Lawsuits to begin to emerge from these activities.
Board holds its ground, nothing to see here.
4 recently elected sane people don't want anything to do with this board nor the legal quagmire.
4 sane people begin to leave the board, replaced by more kool aid drinkers.
By summer (spring?) of 2014, board is once again 12 kool aid drinkers, election of 2014, process repeats itself."
Anyone disagree? Tell us how we're wrong. Please.
Disagree on one point:
Delete"By summer (spring?) of 2014, board is once again 12 kool aid drinkers, election of 2014, process repeats itself"
Don't think KBOO will be around long enough for it to repeat itself.
Especially if (when?) lawsuits begin to emerge.
DeleteAdd to that the fact that the D&O insurance for KBOO is one strike away from being gone.
The FCC License has been on probation for years, and now Conch is heading up the effort to renew it.
He can't even run a board meeting.
As Hadrian is fond of saying "people are fighting over the corpse"
If this goes on much longer, his words may ring true...
Couple questions/observations:
Delete"4 sane people elected to the board, begin to ask questions."
We have 3-4 sane people, but can they get elected? I won't say who my pick are, just that two of them of regular commenters here and no way are their ballots going to be handled fairly.
"The FCC License has been on probation for years"
Be nice to find have the documentation in black/white. My understanding is there were serious problems, but they were hand-waved because of the cost of litigation. Without that documentation for ppl to see, the "inner party" can pretend there were no problems.
"No one gives a shit about bbb"
Says who? There's been this anti gov/regulatory strain on and off in the convo that makes more sense with "end the fed" types. No the govrn. isn't going to save KBOO or make it behave, but reports and complaints are a valuable reality check for people outside the situation when the Kool-aid drinkers are saying "everything's fine, don't worry". God, just one good complaint on the public record would be enough to shut Theresa Mitchell and Co up. The only people who benefit from NOT reporting are the "inner party" clowns.
We like to accuse staff of denying financial problems. IMO some readers are in denial about KBOO being saved. All the evidence shows that while it is possible to save KBOO, under current management the political will to do so doesn't exist.
If that is true, the question becomes do the elections matter? Or is it better to let KBOO die faster and organize to keep the license from falling into the hands of Jesushour?
It might be time to shift the focus from saving KBOO to saving community radio.
"If that is true, the question becomes do the elections matter? Or is it better to let KBOO die faster and organize to keep the license from falling into the hands of Jesushour?"
DeleteOnce the Inner Party can see the writing on the wall, you can bet your ass they'll be trying to do exactly this, with the added twist of setting up one of the sane people to take the fall.
If I was Fitch, I'd never come back. The board candidates need to keep this in mind; if they aren't cronies of the IP, they will be used as scapegoats when the time comes.
I don't think the current elections are going to make any difference, regardless of who is elected.
DeleteBylaws are pretty specific. The entire board can be removed by the membership.
You need about 275 people to sign a petition to call a special membership meeting. The reason needs to be very clear.
Motion: To remove the entire board
Motion: Annul the upcoming election
Motion: (This is the tricky one) Establish an executive committee consisting of A, B, and C (legally at least 3 people, but better to have a few more).
The executive committee could then meet and fill the other board seats via appointment.
The names listed on the motion will go through an intense smear campaign.
It would be beneficial to have some folks on there with 20, 30, 45 year history at KBOO. Names lots of folks know and trust. As this blog shows, folks are not thrilled with putting their names in public because of the inevitable backlash.
This would ramp it up big time.
So, after you actually get people to agree to be on this motion (serve on the exec. committee), then get 300 people to sign the petition, you need to get at least double that to show up at the special meeting.
This will of course be spun the same way the anti-union law stuff was spun. The kool aiders might get 300-400 folks to show, maybe 500. Bylaws require a 2/3rd vote. That means you'll need 600-800 yes votes, maybe 1,000.
All to show up at one single meeting to eliminate the entire board.
You'll also get no help from KBOO in promoting this.
Good Luck.
If the license is pulled from KBOO, my understanding is it will need to stay in the hands of a non-profit organization and be commercial free radio.
DeleteThat could be religious groups, OPB, or don't sleep on KEXP in Seattle. They are bankrolled by Paul Allen, the guy that owns the TrailBlazers (and lots of other stuff). They could win any bidding war.
KEXP is sponsoring and promoting Pickathon pretty agressively, notice that Pickathon is now Indie-Roots music. KEXP has a station in NYC as well. Wouldn't be shocking to see them come into PDX.
KEXP plays nothing but music (other than maybe an hour or two a week). Pretty much a much bigger KZME.
BBB is a joke. A self perpetuating non profit that means nothing to nobody. Move on. Complaining about quality of content and if KBOO serves anyone is moot. It survived this long with the programming it has. Tom Hartmann would be crazy to damage his brand with association with KBOO and the current election won't be changed by a last minute decision to offer him one hour a day.
DeleteThe Oregon Attorney General is significant. Fair elections at a non-profit is an issue that would get further scrutiny. The state has a responsobility to ensure that non profit funds are being handled correctly. The public has an interest that a non-profit member corp is being run properly. The FCC renewal process begins tomorrow, and the FCC requires that all employment is done in accordance with Federal Law. WWeek is significant and KBOO's already on their radar. That's the place where this breaks out into a more visible dispute. If you want to make a difference, make sure these entities are paying attention. Every letter and email adds up.
What's going on now behind the scenes is a very careful documentation including having counsel review a lot of issues, documents, lots of email and board recordings. Stay tuned. Status quo means KBOO death. Saving KBOO will be as difficult as described in other posts below.
"BBB is a joke. A self perpetuating non profit that means nothing to nobody. Move on."
DeleteYou don't get to decide which agencies people use and which they don't use. Deal with it or STFU. It might be a joke as a regulatory body, but it's still at least as good as Yelp! for documentation.
Now it's painful to admit I agree with the rest of your comment. But I suspect some people now supporting OAG/FCC intervention have done a flipflop from "don't expect government to help". *ahem*
"If the license is pulled from KBOO, my understanding is it will need to stay in the hands of a non-profit organization and be commercial free radio."
DeleteGosh, if only a group of people committed to community radio, who saw that KBOO no longer fulfilled that mission, got together and formed a new non profit. Then they'd be ready to move if the license became available.
Gosh, if only there were people who saw the need to do that.....
how much money can you secure? It will be a bidding war.
DeleteGuess this maneuvering should have been done months ago...if anyone could have predicted it would get this bad. Even with the money problems and the foil hat bridge I think most of us believed sanity would prevail if we just tried hard enough. Then Hadrian got booted.
I agree that BBB is a joke and would be a waste.
Delete"Tom Hartmann would be crazy to damage his brand with association with KBOO and the current election won't be changed by a last minute decision to offer him one hour a day."
I sincerely hope Thom Hartmann is aware of the current happenings going on a KBOO. I signed the Blue Oregon petition. But after reading the nasty posts by the Inner Circle, and catching up on the current crazy, maybe Hartmann needs to be petition to withdraw his offer to save his good name. Oh yeah - a note to Hagmeier, Grace and other Inner Circle; way to win friends and influence people. Was that your attempt to bring new members KBOO?
"What's going on now behind the scenes is a very careful documentation including having counsel review a lot of issues, documents, lots of email and board recordings. Stay tuned."
Bring on the sunshine -
"BBB is a joke. A self perpetuating non profit that means nothing to nobody. Move on. Complaining about quality of content and if KBOO serves anyone is moot. "
DeleteYet, if some of this shit had been IN PUBLIC and EASY ACCESS, maybe Hadrian wouldn't have had to leak shit to the press and he'd STILL BE ON THE BOARD AND THERE WOULD STILL BE A CHANCE.
"I agree that BBB is a joke and would be a waste."
DeleteNo more so than Yelp.
Speaking of Yelp, devastating review:
The community radio thing is great, there's only one problem. Hardly anyone listens to KBOO. I wonder if the station basically entertains those who work there.
Take a look at some Portland radio ratings... you'll find KBOO down at the very bottom of the list.
13t KEX-AM
I like the concept, it just doesn't seem to be working. And yes, it's true, many community radio station have tiny audiences, but I just believe that community radio in Portland, could be so much more of a factor.
When you're broad-casting, it does matter if anyone listens.
"I sincerely hope Thom Hartmann is aware of the current happenings going on a KBOO. I signed the Blue Oregon petition. But after reading the nasty posts by the Inner Circle, and catching up on the current crazy, maybe Hartmann needs to be petition to withdraw his offer to save his good name. "
"Oh yeah - a note to Hagmeier, Grace and other Inner Circle; way to win friends and influence people. Was that your attempt to bring new members KBOO?"
No, no, Comrade, that was their was of keeping KBOO PURE of uncontrolled outside progressives who might not know how important it is to defend the Iron Rice Bowl.
TO Anonymous July 31, 2013 at 12:20 PM
DeleteSure I don't get to decide for others. Go ahead.
Re govt agencies, a lot of water has gone under the bridge in the last 4 weeks. I'm told that the AG told Hadrian there were things they would, and would not get interested in. His efforts didn't yet rise to the point of their involvement, but it did get WWeek's interest. And now parties who may have been harmed have counsel. It's a different ball game and not in my hands to control. Just reporting the possibilities at of today.
The following is conjecture based on my non-professional understanding of the bylaws and Oregon law.
Re financial issues or FCC license, the license could be not granted for a multitude of reasons and KBOO continue to own the license and broadast while working it out. Depends if the KBOO FCC atty keeps getting paid and stays on top of it. And if KBOO has serious financial problems the transmitter can be turned off on a temporary basis with FCC permission while things get straigtened out. You can read more about FCC license issues from actual radio people at .
Re fiscal crisis, if KBOO itself decides for any reason to go out of business it's current assets have to be given to any other non-profit org, I think restricted to Oregon. The board could vote today to give the entire enchillada to the Oregon Food Bank. It could give the license to KZME, to OPB, whatever. It could give the station and bank accounts to any other non profit. Someone who was involved in the orderly transfer of KMHD to be managed by OPB might chime in here, the license is still owned by MHCC but the station is run now by OPB. This kept KMHD on air and avoided a predicted bankruptcy.
During a forced bankruptcy, the court would decide the distribution of assets after sale. In that scenario all bets are off. The frequency could go back to the FCC to auction to the highest bidder. In a forced sale any residual money after paying creditors would I guess go to other non profits after the KBOO Foundation were dissolved. Having a union contract could really gum up the works for a voluntary sale or transfer, and the union could be what would force an order transfer to become an involuntary bankruptcy. It's all very murky.
If it ever got that far there would be a lot of unknowns. That much is certain.
"Having a union contract could really gum up the works for a voluntary sale or transfer, and the union could be what would force an order transfer to become an involuntary bankruptcy. It's all very murky."
DeleteSounds like the Iron Rice Bowl defenders have gummed up the works for controlling distribution of assets if bankruptcy looms. But then they remain in denial the probability of bankruptcy exists...
Review gone. Redirects to main page:
Maybe if KBOO cleaned up their shitty act they wouldn't have to delete shitty reviews.
Does anyone have links to video or recordings of Monday 29th board meeting?
DeleteThey're supposed to be here but nothing for July 29 yet:
Wow! Record number of comments on this blog post!