Sure to be a gut buster among Inner Party favorites, Kraus Raus
It would be Responsobile
Submitted by Ed Kraus on Fri, 07/19/2013 - 9:39am.
It would be responsobile if the board of directors would notify the membership what happened at the board meeting on July 15th, 2013. I'm looking forward to reading the wording of such a notice.
It also would be nice if the page on the website that says Board Of Directors could someday be updated to say something other than in red bold type "The next KBOO Board of Directors meeting is June 29, 2013 at 6 pm." (Ironically, this meeting was held I believe on June 24th). Having contradictory information about meeting notice might have explained how the emergency meeting of July 15th was so lightly attended, when issues of lasting importance to KBOO were decided.
It would also be useful if the "seventy page policy manual" that KBOO now has gone back to was available for people to download and study. The new board policy manual that has been put in abeyance is all I can find, let's put the old one also on the website so everyone can understand what the operating rules and procedures now are. Please especially clarify the part about human relations and employment policies.
It also would be good for the corporation if meeting minutes of the Governance committee or Governance/Personell committee, or whatever version(s) exists or have existed now be made public by posting on the website, as the proceedings of these meetings are public meetings, and are relevant and important for the members to be informed about. And if we could have all of the board of director meeting minutes that have been approved by the board posted in a easy to find manner, that would be helpful.
Oh, and one more thing. It would be very useful to the membership if a list was posted of all the names of people who submitted an application to be a candidate for the board of directors for the upcoming election. You can explain of course the process by which the nominating committee is proceeding to vet each candidate, who is on the committee, and how things proceed from here. All in the name of serving the members, and in the name of transparency of course.
Okay, how many times does Glorious Leader have to frame him as a Zionist Mossad asset behind the 9/11 attacks before he gets the memo: We at the Inner Party don't DO responsibility. Or even 'responsobility'.
While these suggestions might be good for other stations bogged down in top down state corporate institutionalism, like being responsible and accountable to membership and the obligations a 501 3 c non profit has to the public, it would conflict with KBOO's established core values of nepotism, cronyism, and dowhateverthefuckwewantism.
Got it? Clear enough? Now GO AWAY.
In other news Comrade Ani throws party, EVERYONE invited:
WOOT WOOT! PARTEEEE!! That's three days before the next board meeting! Be there or be square!Ani Raven Haines · 34 followersYesterday at 11:06am near Portland ·
Now for some fun from our Cadre Craft Corner! (Kadre Kraft Korner?)
Make your own Conch Meme! Download, add text and email:
![]() |
"You must be new here..." |
We'll publish them all the day of the next Board Meeting!
"It would be responsobile if the board of directors would notify the membership what happened at the board meeting on July 15th, 2013. I'm looking forward to reading the wording of such a notice. "
ReplyDeleteYou must be new here.
Kraus must be hanging round KBOO too much, his spelling seems to be suffering. The influence of the Inner Party is subtle and insideaous.
ReplyDeleteActually, I did some research. Yes, I know facts are an enemy of the people but here you go.
ReplyDeleteThe last director removed for cause was John Mackey. He was removed during a special meeting on Nov 26 2012 and on Nov 27 2012 a Special Statement was posted to the KBOO website.
Of course, the notice was posted by Station Navigator Lynn Fitch. I guess notices are now enemies of the people too.
I hope this statement was made by committee. It's badly written and repetitive; Fitch is usually a better writer:
Public Statement from the KBOO Foundation Board of Directors
November 27, 2012
Regrettably, at the Board of Directors meeting, Monday, November 26, 2012, Director John Mackey was removed from the Board, for conduct harmful to the corporation.
Specifically, Mr. Mackey was removed for disclosing information during a public session of the Board, October 22, 2012 ─ information that he had previously acknowledged was not appropriate for public disclosure, but should only be discussed in a closed session of the Board of Directors.
Mr. Mackey knew that the information was not appropriate for public disclosure. On at least two occasions, Mr. Mackey stated that the information should be discussed in closed session. Mr. Mackey publicly disclosed information he knew should not be, disregarding his own advice.
A majority of The Board of Directors voted to remove Mr. Mackey for conduct harmful to the KBOO Foundation. They agreed that an objectively reasonable director in that situation would have exercised more care and caution ─ and would not have publicly disclosed that information.
If you have questions, comments, or concerns please contact:
Interim Station Manager
Lynn Fitch
503.231.8032 x222
If I recall it was written by the Board and it even says so in the title, Statement from the Board of Directors.
DeleteWho specifically from the Board wrote it, I do not know.
Needless to say submitted meme images will be credited anonymously unless otherwise indicated.
ReplyDelete"so cool to see so many birthday wishes from y'all. "
ReplyDelete'Y'all'? She really speak like that?
Who cares? EVERYBODY is invited! If there's enough free beer she can speak anyway she likes!
DeleteRe: flash drive: ppl should call in. Say they'd like to contribute, but they're not sure how their funds will be spent:
Ani Raven Haines shared KBOO Community Radio's photo.
4 hours ago
Call 877 500 5266 and support KBOO Community Radio now! Are you a member? If not, join us for as little as $20. If you are already a member, call in with an extra contribution. This 14-hour flash drive needs everyone to kick in what they can, and the key is to do it right now. ♥
As little as $20?!
DeleteThat sounds like she's trying to buy votes for an election!
Come on Ani, tell them to match your love!!!
See Yaney at BlueOregon
Yaney Lee Ann MacIver · Office Administrator at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis
Well Ben and Theresa, if you both care about the BOO let's really raise funds. Not just funds to buy votes. I want those $5/ and $10/mo EFTs at the minimum. Let's not be cheapskates. I mean if folks can only do $20 and $10 for those under 18 then that's okay. But folks if you care about the BOO give the $$ you can afford and show the love. Then think carefully about who you elect. Ben, do you love KBOO or are you just trying to have a Demo party makeover of the station. I am a former board member, major donor (when I can afford it) and I was a major half of brining the translator to Corvallis. Match my love, I do $17.50 a month now.
Reply · 3 ·
· June 4 at 7:32pm
You must be new here.
DeleteOnly traitors expect the Inner Party to keep their story(s) straight.
fundraiser seems to have been a reasonable success:
Delete"Friday July 19th - 8 am to 10 pm - Flash Drive Fundraiser
As of 10 pm, we reached $11,348 of our $12,000 goal.
Thank you to everyone who contributed today!
If you missed your chance earlier, you can still click here to donate online anytime. "
is there any way to get breakdown on those figures? how many members donated and the average donation?
Let me say it again, I DON'T shop at Brentano's.
ReplyDeleteIt is weird - I could have sworn that there were such things as "laws" that even nonprofit organizations in the State of Oregon had to abide by.
ReplyDeleteApparently not.
For example, the expulsion of Traitor Hadrian - is it really permitted, for example, for five members of a nine member nonprofit board to vote to expel the other four members, and then hand-pick four supporters to replace the expelled members on the board? Given the example of Traitor Hadrian, apparently so.
Because raising concerns with governmental agencies in charge of overseeing nonprofit organizations about the behavior of a nonprofit organization is apparently impermissible.
I'm learning **so much** about the law as it applies to nonprofits by following this saga...
Which part of "dowhateverthefuckwewantism" do you not understand, Comrade? To the Tillamook Re-education Center with you!
DeleteYour first indoctrination session will involve cows.
Lots and lots of cows.
Other examples (not KBOO) to contemplate.
DeleteI've seen other non-profits run badly by those in charge, including proven examples of personal gain using the org's funds by it's executive director (not talking about any org in this state).
The board in that case was hand picked for years by the executive director who was the only employee of that org and ran everything. It took years to get another board empowered. By the time everything came to light I think about 100K was mis-appropriated. When brought to the attention of the local DA they declined to bring charges as the amount wasn't high enough to warrant using public resources to procecute.
When the new board went to a private attorney to see about suing, the advice was that the cost of the suit would exceed the possible return, so suck it up and move on.
Anyone caring to see the Oregon Attorney General step up and do anything needs to have a reality check. No one cares about KBOO, except for those few members, staff, and programmers in the fight. So if the membership and listeners at large are not well informed about how badly things are being handled, then the membership can't use the existing tools in the bylaws to replace the board. Perhaps the FCC might deny the license renewal but then there's no longer a station to fight over. And the possible financial conflict of interest, and procedural shenanigans aren't relevant to license renewal anyway so far as I can see.
In the current moment, with the board stacked (as TM gleefully aknowledges at IndyMedia), only four out of twelve seats even up for election, only "radical" events or tactics have any chance of putting even a reasonable balance back on the board. I don't want to see KBOO destroyed by either the poor decisions of the current board, lawsuits by individuals, or ripped apart by a general meeting to unseat the entire sitting board and put all seats up for the next election. But as of now I don't yet see any path forward that repairs the damage of the last several weeks.
Folks, don't wait for government to help. That much at least is clear.
KBOO bylaws are pretty straight forward.
DeleteYou could have a petition to remove the entire board and nullify the upcoming election due to improper safeguards in place.
That petition needs to be signed by about 300 people.
The reason for the special meeting needs to be clear.
The meeting announcement must be mailed at least 2 weeks in advance.
2/3rds of the attendees of the meeting must vote in support of the motion.
You can count on the save KBOO crowd to get 200-300 folks. Say 500 to be safe.
That means you need 1,000 people to show up to see actual change at KBOO.
In the motion you could identify enough board members to fill an executive committee (which can appoint members under special circumstances). That way you don't have to wait for the next election.
Anyone know where there might be 1,000 people interested in removing this board? Of course they can't just be people, but need to be members.
It wouldn't be easy, but it is possible.
I mean 1,000 people who want to see change and will vote for the motion
ReplyDeleteA man was killed in his sleep when a cow fell through the roof of his house in south-eastern Brazil and crushed him to death, according to local police.
João Maria de Souza, 45, and his wife were in bed when the one-ton cow – which had been grazing on a hill behind the house in the town of Caratinga – stepped on to the asbestos roof, causing it to collapse. De Souza remained conscious and was taken to a local hospital, but died of internal bleeding on Thursday, the officer said.
According to local reports, it was the third such incident in recent years. In one case a baby and a small child narrowly escaped being crushed when a cow landed just next to them.
Today (Saturday) I had an email from Lynn Fitch. Apparently she had to find out anything happened Monday night by reading what I posted I think Thursday on the KBOO website. She was told I had posted on a blog, so I directed her to the summaries here at SKFSK. She told me that she received a "vague email" from Conch on Friday, and was told by someone on the board to listen to a recording of the meeting to figure out what her job is now, or something to that effect. I asked her for permission to disclose this here, and she said "it is true and uncaring and unprofessional" so go ahead.
ReplyDeleteIt takes real class to run KBOO in this fashion. She's working out what she will decide to do next.
"She told me that she received a "vague email" from Conch on Friday, and was told by someone on the board to listen to a recording of the meeting to figure out what her job is now, or something to that effect."
DeleteSo Fitch has been "vaguely" demoted? You'd think that was one thing these people would want ti be clear about....
"She's working out what she will decide to do next."
DeleteWhatever that is it should involve money. Lots and lots and lots of money.
Then we watch Conch & co explain who these expenses are being incurred.
You must be new here.
DeleteThe Inner Party doesn't need to explain anything.
"She told me that she received a "vague email" from Conch on Friday, and was told by someone on the board to listen to a recording of the meeting to figure out what her job is now, or something to that effect."
DeleteWow. Just wow. You see, in a normal nonprofit organization, a notetaker takes notes at board meetings which are printed up, and are referred to as "minutes", which have to be officially approved by the board at the following board meeting. The "minutes" serve as the official, legal record of what happened at the board meeting, and serve as the official, legal record of any decisions taken by the board.
In normal nonprofit organizations, the executive director doesn't have to find out what decisions the board made by "listening to a recording of the meeting".
It seems pretty obvious that the board wanted to fire Fitch, but was terrified by the prospect of the subsequent litigation (although suggesting that Fitch's salary be reduced was a nice touch). Given how slipshod KBOO's official record keeping is, good luck to the board in defending itself against a lawsuit.
Also good to see the board discussing personnel matters in open session.
Should this motion contain the phrase, not for cause?
Should we reduce Lynn's salary?
Should we rescind her executive authority?
Can you get anymore inappropriate than to discuss these personnel matters in an open session?
I'm no non-profit lawyer, but there has got to be something prohibiting that, one would think.
There was a note taker, Rabia. The minutes themselves can't be released until they're approved at the next board meeting which is in about a week. If I had the stamina to listen to and transcribe the entire evening, you'd be astonished how many times Rabia interrupted a speaker, and told them to slow down or clarify what they had proposed for a motion or ammendment. She was really trying to help the board make sense, and I regret that unless a recording gets transcribed, you'll never find out from the written minutes how passionately and clearly Rabia warned the board that they were making huge mistakes.
DeleteIf you look at typical minutes that have been posted, they are a minimal picture of what happened at best and sometimes just plain inadequate. Ironically, during the last food fight over seating Michael P. on the board, some of the KKK crowd began taping the board sessions so they had a record of what really happened. Now look who has to tape whom.
Several answers can be given however to points raised today. Theresa Mitchell's crowing announcement makes it clear that the KKK crowd got their agenda done, nothing vague about that statement from her on Blue Oregon. And I think the real astonishing thing isn't that they tossed the board procedures, that they did what they thought they could do to limit Lynn's ability to function ... that was a foregone conclusion at the end of the June 24th meeting when the board was stacked.
What should give even the people who were enthusiastic supporters of the early version of the SaveKBOO movement pause is how reckless the actions were and how perilous the future of KBOO is as a result. They could have done their entire agenda in closed session (we would have screamed bloody murder for transparency of course). They could have shown even the tiniest amount of basic employee respect to Lynn and a) waited till she and a mediator were both present to work on board/manager issues b) if action was taken tell her clearly and directly the next day what the result was.
This mess really has shown that the KKK crowd is incapable of basic governance, even if you agree with their agenda. It reminds me of the downward spiral in George Bush's popularity, even with conservatives. I knew things had shifted when Pat Buchanan began to publicly complain about the incompetence with W's presidency. Even the KKK crowd has to understand this is bad, bad, bad.
And the ultimate irony is that this entire mess began with staff complaining to media that the manager and the board weren't treating the staff with respect. I guess that now the tables are turned they don't see what the problem is, and remove a director for ... wait for it ... going to the press.
Like I say often these days, you can't make this stuff up.
"If you look at typical minutes that have been posted,"
DeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong but haven't they completely blown off posting minutes since March? That has to be some sort of breach in non profit law.
"Folks, don't wait for government to help. That much at least is clear."
No one needs to wait, just report it. Maybe not to a regulatory body, but to a law enforcement body. The only thing stopping suspected crimes being reported is a misguided loyalty to the radical political ideal of never using the 'pigs' and a belief KBOO can be saved. IMHO that ship sailed as of last meeting.
Well, at least they got around to changing the big red type to the correct date, and posting some more BOD minutes. So someone in the inner party IS reading this blog.
DeleteI don't know where anon above is reading, but they've blown off posting minutes since 2009:
KBOO Board Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
Attachment Size
KBOO Board Minutes 1-23-07.DOC 64 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 2-2007.doc 55.5 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 3-2007.doc 49 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 4-17-07.doc 55 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 5-2007.doc 59 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 6-19-07.doc 55.5 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 7-2007.pdf 572.29 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 9-2007.doc 60.5 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 10-2007.doc 64.5 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 11-2007.doc 93.5 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 12-2007.doc 44 KB
KBOO_BoardSpecialMeeting_January_2008.doc 24 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 1-2008.doc 33 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 2-19-08.doc 102.5 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 3-2008.doc 48.5 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 4-2008.doc 37 KB
KBOO Board Minutes 5-2008.doc 44 KB
KBOO Board minues 6-16-08.doc 51 KB
KBOO Board Minutes-7-15-08approved.doc 47.5 KB
KBOO_Board_Minutes_8_19_2008.doc 30.5 KB
MEETING OF THE KBOO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 8-24-2009asamended.doc 51.5 KB
If those last really are new, this is not encouraging.
Deleteyou have to know the secret locations of sekrit dockumints.
Recordings are a little more recent:
Board Meeting Recordings
Each KBOO Foundation Board of Directors meeting is recorded. These recordings will be made available on this page.
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2012-05-21
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2012-04-23
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2012-03-26
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2012-01-23
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-12-19
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-11-28
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-10-24
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-09-26
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-08-22
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-07-25
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-06-27
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-05-23
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-04-25
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-03-28
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-02-28
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2011-01-24
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2012-06-25
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2012-07-23
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2012-08-27
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2010-12-20
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting 2010-11-22
"Each KBOO Foundation Board of Directors meeting is recorded. These recordings will be made available on this page."
Stop! You're killing me! *wipes away tears of laughter*
2013 Meeting Minutes
DeleteMeeting of the KBOO Board of Directors 2013/01/07
Meeting of the KBOO Board of Directors 2013/01/28
Meeting of the KBOO Board of Directors 2013/02/25
Meeting of the KBOO Board of Directors 2013/03/25
Meeting of the KBOO Board of Directors 2013/04/20
Meeting of the KBOO Board of Directors 2013/06/03
Okay that's a little better, except May is missing and so is June 24(?)
"Okay that's a little better, except May is missing and so is June 24(?)"
DeleteWeeell, I'll guess spending all that time at the beginning of this last meeting witch hunting Hadrian drove it plum out of their minds!
there was no May meeting as it coincided with Memorial Day, hence the two meetings in June. June 3rd was really the "may" meeting.
DeleteNew Foil Hat concern re Thom by Comrade Hagmeier after badgering Kari and Carla:
"I urge KBOO to resist the efforts by people with no connection to the station to dilute and disrupt KBOO's schedule by adding the Thom Hartmann program.
Even if Hartmann's show was great (it isn't), pushing 15 hours of programming off for one guy is inappropriate.
I've asked Carla Axtman and Kari Chisholm, the two people from Blue Oregon behind the petition, how they've supported KBOO. Rather than answering the question, they've both chosen to claim that "they aren't pushing anything." That's just bizarre--what's the point of a petition, but to push a particular action?"
I was contacted by Board Member Mark Sherman, regarding my post asking for specific responsible actions from KBOO.
ReplyDeleteI can report today that partial progress has been made. Board of Director meeting minutes that have been formally approved by the board are now posted, and the big red type announcement of the next board meeting is updated. Thank you. And notice was posted of the removal of a Director at the July 15th meeting, and of the change in board policy manual. However, this is incomplete as I will detail below.
There is no mention of the change in duties and authority of the Executive Director. Members and Volunteers might want to know who is currently empowered to make decisions on behalf of KBOO.
It is inadequate to say no electronic version of the old policy manual is available. Scan the document and put the scan on the website as a pdf. It's impossible for members to understand what is being argued about by the board without access to the core documents themselves.
There are no minutes posted at all that I can find for the Personell Committee, the Governance Committee, or any of the variations thereof. The bylaws Article VIII section 9 require that all committee meetings are public meetings, and minutes will be made available. The website is the best place to make minutes available. The only committees posting minutes (and only sometimes) are Program and Finance. As a director was removed for doing harm to the corporation by disclosing information, information that the removed director insists was public already due to it being discussed in a public meeting of the Governance committee, minutes of the committee meetings are indeed relevant.
And nowhere is information regarding the composition of the nominating committee, election date, who has filed papers to run for the board, etc. posted. Since the Nominating Committee consists of directors, and directors serving on the board have been openly in conflict with people who have announced they are running, this lack of transparency could suggest some sort of improper actions behind closed doors. For that reason the entire nomination process should be open and transparent, from disclosing the entire list of people who submitted applications, through giving responsibility for tallying votes both mailed and at the membership meeting to a completely independent auditor.
It's sad when they only way to get results out of a board is to make a post online that they reply to for fear of more mocking by yellow blogs. -_-