![]() |
lookin sharp! |
The reports are in and it looks like a slam dunk victory for Glorious Leader an all loyal cadre! YAAAAYYYYY!
It took over an hour, but had the sweet ironic reasoning of "conduct detrimental to the foundation"(Thank you, Lisa Loving, for that 'loving 'touch!)
Minus: he'll probably get all whistlebower-y and whine to the FCC. Or even the IRS. Never fear cadre: as we proved last night, we create our own reality!
We can't get rid of the teflon bitch, but we can try to tie her up doing fundraising that we will then blame her for when it fails to save the station. This was easy to do because she wasn't there because of a death in the family or something.
Minus: she might sue for breach of contract. The joke's on her--we'll be filling bankruptcy proceedings first!!!
Welcome back illegal policies that will not cause any problems for KBOO legally, we promise. Like totally. Look! Prez Conch said Gene Bradley said it would be fine. Who's Gene Bradley? Dog knows! But anything is better than asking EVIL FITCH.
4 $15,000 Fred Meyer "Board Training" FLUSHED DOWN COMPOST TOILET
That will teach local business to fund KBOO! We don't need no more money than underwriting from Tea Party Restauranteurs and the foreign funds staff is laundering through their member donations!(Thank you, Mr. Sincere Friends from Nigeria and Cyprus!)
And with our now certain headlong dive into insolvency, the Blue Oregon Democrats are sure to be running to the hills! Nothing scares off potential donors from the professional solvent left than a clusterfuck of insane incompetence! WELL DONE CADRE!!!!
We won't be seeing Thom Hartman, or his supporters money, around KBOO anytime soon!
Now nothing stands between the Inner Party and the complete annihilation of the KBOO as a community institution.
-Meresa Titchell
The future is so bright....or is that an express train?
ReplyDeleteThere is a great, great Soviet TV miniseries made in the 1970's called "Seventeen Moments Of Spring", which was a fictionalized account of a Soviet spy in Berlin in SS Intelligence near the end of the war (Spring of 1945). (You can watch it on YouTube with English subtitles.)
ReplyDeleteMuch of the story revolved around the bureaucratic infighting between the rival SS Intelligence and Gestapo Intelligence. What I am sure was not fictionalized was the ferocity of the bureaucratic battles between the rival Nazi intelligence agencies - while the Red Army stood fifty miles from Berlin. Both bureaucracies were determined to be the one in control up to the moment that the Russians marched into the city.
This feels like that - the Inner Party is determined to stay in control, up to the moment that the bankruptcy papers are filed.
I'd say the KKK photo is a bit much.
ReplyDeleteHey, the KKK joke was overdue.
DeleteBut we can make a deal: KBOO reinstate Hadrian and we'll gladly replace that tasteless image with a completely different tasteless image.
Tell Conch, et al to email! Have their people talk to our people! Let's do lunch!
Right, cause I'm the person to get you lunch with Conch :)
DeleteYou're on the board...that should count for something!
DeleteWe can all go to Tea Party Michael's for low brow Italian.
And, BONUS! They'll get to find out who the "Yellow Blog Meanies" are. Or at least who they bribed to stand in for them. :)
I'm not on the board, haven't been since last October.
DeleteI am running for the board this coming election.
"I'm not on the board "
DeleteThanks for the correction.
"I'm not on the board, haven't been since last October "
DeleteAnd they're letting you submit an application?
Why hasn't Glorious Leader posted anything boasting of her complete and glorious victory?
ReplyDelete"The trumpet-call had let loose an enormous volume of noise. Already an excited voice was gabbling from the telescreen, but even as it started it was almost drowned by a roar of cheering from outside. The news had run round the streets like magic."
Such is the humility of Glorious Leader. We stand in awe!
Delete"Why hasn't Glorious Leader posted anything boasting of her complete and glorious victory?"
DeleteCould have something to do with this comment at her blog(just guessing):
Anonymous says:
July 16, 2013 at 5:30 am
with theresa bleating about the corporate beast, it’s past time she explains her relationship with the corporate intelligence firm stratfor.
for those who don’t know stratfor took over much work the cia did, but it’s a private firm who will do anything for the right amount of cash. take note that theresa is using an email that can be connected with her, so she wasn’t “undercover” investigating. no radical would be stupid enough to do this if they were really afraid of the ‘man’. tm has many associates in the foil hat community who also work with stratfor.
maybe i should email a certain blog about this….
Hmmm, wonder which blog that would be?
"Why hasn't Glorious Leader posted anything boasting of her complete and glorious victory?"
DeleteI'm guessing, behind the scenes, that victory isn't as glorious as it appears and they know it.
1 If Ed's report is anything to go by, even KeepKboo Kboo supporters are disturbed
2 Fitch has probably been told about her demotion by now and they're scrambling for that mediator. Because Fitch ain't going out without a fight. Even if it's they have to pay her a kill fee to walk out the door. Imagine...
3 Can you say illegal illegal illegal practices...that are illegal? Someone's talking to a lawyer to cover their asses
4 And we haven't heard from Hadrian. Keeping silence while a dispute is being settled?
Meanwhile Comrade Grace has taken her belittling mean girls act to BlurOregon. Is she trying to put the Thom fans off? Or is she really a damaged out of control Inner party cultist? Or is it both?
We haven't heard the whole story yet, methinks.
DeleteLet's not get ahead of ourselves please.
Delete1) Why even react publicly when you've a slam dunk? Just get busy consolidating power.
2) Please don't predict what Lynn is going to do or what's best for her. She's been abused by the staff, put through a public lynching, and had some very difficult stuff in her personal life unrelated to KBOO. I think she has enough class to make a decision what's best for her, and act on it in her own best way. She doesn't need KBOO, and KBOO is incapable of realizing it needs a manager. Guess KBOO hasn't hit bottom yet.
"Please don't predict what Lynn is going to do or what's best for her."
DeleteI'm an occasion reader. Generally I get what you're saying. Then there's stuff like this where it looks like you're reading more into a statement than anyone else(or at least I am) getting. I assume you're replying to:
"Fitch has probably been told about her demotion by now and they're scrambling for that mediator. Because Fitch ain't going out without a fight. Even if it's they have to pay her a kill fee to walk out the door. Imagine..."
I read this as a supportive statement, but you make it sound like it was insulting or something... ;/
Let me add to Anon 9:18 that speculating about someone under attack being on top of the situation and kicking ass is more helpful to them in public(where the attackers can read)that talking about what a poor little thing she is. Whatever the reality. These are bullies. You don't act weak in front of bullies.
Delete"Why even react publicly when you've a slam dunk? Just get busy consolidating power."
At the risk of offense, well duh. Of course they're busy little bees. But a history of out of control histrionics shows the lack of pubic response is a conscious change in strategy. It has been going on for several weeks. It's even more obvious now.
That's information. It means someone on Team Crazy knows what they are doing, ie, they're not just "confused" or misled. It also means this is an organized group with an agenda, ironically with the signs of a "top-down" structure, not a "grass roots" uprising.
I don't see anyone here getting ahead of themselves.
More information: for people who had a victory, they're very interested in post meeting comments here.
DeleteYesterday shows logs as a record day. In addition, before midnight total visits since the blog started less than two months ago exceeded 10,000. Comparably small change for a mainstream website. For an obscure blog mocking an obscure problem? Very respectable.
Among regular traffic are a couple of "inner party" members whose job is scanning the yellow blog and sending people copy pasta. Readers should keep this in mind when they leave comments
One of these people can't be getting more than three hours of sleep. Not the actions of someone thinking they can sit on their laurels.
We'd agree yes they are consolidating their position. But at the same time they're deeply bothered they've lost control of the online discussion.
"Why even react publicly when you've a slam dunk? Just get busy consolidating power."
DeleteAnd flogging cadre to make crappy comments at BlueOregon to guarantee those Democrats are run off.
That's the strategy: act bat foil hat crazy and hope BlueOregon just goes away.
It could backfire, because BlueOregon readers KNOW they have the numbers to join KBOO and all that implies.
Grace Marian doesn't seem to have mellowed since the Inner Party victory.
ReplyDeleteFrom BlueOregon hands off KBOO convo:
"Grace Marian
Ben, it seems that you don't understand the meaning of "conflict of interest". A conflict of interest arises when someone is able to benefit financially from a relationship. For example, when I was on the BOD, a board member was married to a staff member and recused himself when there was a vote on staff salaries. Just because some members of board and staff are friends does not indicate a conflict of interest; it means that KBOO is doing it's job and bringing people together. That may be difficult for you to understand, and maybe that is why you seem so threatened by the idea of "friendship" and "community".
You might also want to know that former board member Marc Brown once said that you are unfit to be a member of the KBOO board. Your slander and lies about people who do serve on the KBOO board certainly validate Marc's statement.
You seem to have a very low opinion of KBOO
and its community, and it surprises me that you would want to have anything to do with us. Perhaps OPB would be a better fit for you. KBOO isn't for everyone, so if you want to move on to an organization where your talents would be better appreciated, we would understand, and would have no hard feelings!
Reply · Like · Edited · about an hour ago"
Translation:if you don't move on, we'll oust you like we did Hadrian!
"You might also want to know that former board member Marc Brown once said that you are unfit to be a member of the KBOO board."
DeleteBe interesting to know who that convo was with and what the context was. Like, did the person tell Marc a story about Ben, and Marc made a comment based on that story? Which was probably all BS?
"Your slander and lies about people who do serve on the KBOO board certainly validate Marc's statement."
She's not talking about Lisa 'Ima hack a blog' Loving, is she? Or Clueless Conch's free fingers with KBOO's funds? Cuz those aren't lies; those are facts.
Traitor Hoyne is obviously not worthy to be on KBOO's board!
DeleteAfter all, look who they have on the board already!
Good to know Grace is ok if I move on.
ReplyDeleteHere's my response on BlueOregon
Grace always great when you weigh in. How many years in a row have Lyn and Conch gone to Pickathon on KBOO's dime? About 5? Doesn't Ani control those tickets? So a staff member showers them with gifts unavailable to other volunteers, sounds like they are financially benefiting to me. Those tickets are expensive!
Love it!
DeleteHere's Grace's response to my response on BlueO. I don't think I can follow this up with anything better.
Grace Marian
Ben, my understanding is that those tickets are for people who volunteer at the event, and that it is first come, first served. Sounds like you should have gotten your name in earlier, but this incessant whining and blaming others about your tardiness is very annoying. You seem to be someone who never learned that you can't always get your way, which is a very important part of growing up. Maybe it's your time :)
Reply · Like · Edited · 45 minutes ago
"Sounds like you should have gotten your name in earlier, but this incessant whining and blaming others about your tardiness is very annoying.You seem to be someone who never learned that you can't always get your way, which is a very important part of growing up. Maybe it's your time :)"
DeleteOmg. How old is she? And she seriously doesn't see that a "first come first serve" policy implicates the prez and gf in a conflict of interest?
The only way that works with "first come, first serve" is if the prez is abusing his access to be served before anyone else.
What a ditz.
What's more distributing is Grace edited that and thought it was fine.
DeleteMore on Marian...or should it be Moron Marian?
Grace Marian
Carla, you may mean well, but given the extreme behavior of this interim station manager, my guess is that she put you up to this. KBOO already has excellent local progressive talk-show hosts, Mon-Fri, from 8-9 AM, a fact being ignored by Lynn Fitch and her devotees. Fitch's tactics of ignoring reality and trying to bulldoze her agenda has been demonstrated already with her plan to fire the staff and to bust the union activities of the staff. And, FYI, traditionally, the KBOO Board of Directors and the station manager have not involved themselves with programming, which has been the domain of the Program and News Directors with input from KBOO's Program Advisory Committee.
Reply · Like · Monday at 4:49pm
Benjamin Hoyne · Top Commenter · American
Allow me to translate for Grace. Traditionally the a small group of staff and the powerless program committee (which has 3 staff members on it to keep it in line) decide programming.
So Carla, please stop thinking that 5,000 people signing a petition should have any effect on KBOO and its inner circle.
Reply · Like · 4 hours ago
Anon 12:52am again
Delete"Carla, you may mean well, but given the extreme behavior of this interim station manager, my guess is that she put you up to this."
Question is: do we know if Carla and Lynn Fitch know each other? If not, why would Grace think they do?
And what "this" is Grace taking about? The article if by Chris not Carla. Grace is probably confused, and can't keep her threads straight, but it's good policy not to give these folks the benefit of the doubt.
Make them explain themselves.
Dancing Trout jumps in[actually earlier in thread]with a comment that doesn even make sense:
Delete"Jim Dancingtrout · Follow
Benjamin Hoyne - dude you are a heinous example of our two party 'democracy' ... give it up dude, she has been given other duties due to her incomptenece"
Okaaaaayyyy. Dropped way too much acid in the day. And someone's make demands of Carla:
"Michael Hagmeier · Follow · Top Commenter · Marylhurst University
Carla, what 15 hours of programming do you think should be cut to allow Thom Hartmann's show on KBOO?
How would Hartmann's commercial show be cut to fit KBOO's noncommercial format?
How many of the people pushing this are KBOO members? How many have been members for more than a year?"
God forbid Kboo offer these people something to inspire them to become members. And it wouldn't matter anyway because you don't care unless you're a member for a year!
Way to go with recruitment, Team Crazy
Grace Marion believes anything she's told, and like a grade school girl tattles to anyone she can find. She's very useful for being a stooge for those who don't want to get their hands dirty.
ReplyDeleteOr she's a pathological liar. Take your choice.
That smile of hers is sure creepy. Kinda like those party clowns that scared you as a kid.
DeleteHey guys! Logs show we've got 75 hits before we hit 10,000.
The Inner Party is willing to be magnanimous in victory, Comrades!
ReplyDeleteWe are willing to have Thom Hartmann on KBOO from 3:45 AM to 4:00 AM, three days a week!
Some background about the board and the new policies which were thrown out the door. From the Board of Directors meeting Jan 7 2013 (the last one posted at www.kboo.fm/node/53591
ReplyDeletePlease note from the consultant, the policies do not close the door to other management structures, and that they set boundaries between the board and staff. Note that the consultant reminded the board that they wanted to delegate authority to one person (Station Manager). Note that the vote was 9/0/0. Then go yourself and see who was on the board at that meeting.
Reckless behavior by the board this week wastes years of Stategic Planning. All they had to do was identify what they wanted to change, and do that while keeping the board policy intact.
Board Policy Manual
•Cindy Cumfer provided an overview of the process to develop the board policy manual
•Cindy walked the board through the sections and provided an overview
•Open discussion:
◦Comment that the Governance Committee will be fundamentally different
◦Comment made regarding the role of the Personnel Committee
◦Regarding employment policies, Cindy recommended consulting an employment law specialist
◦Comment made that our employment contractor has concerns over our current policies
◦An employee manual will be developed
◦Question regarding naming one staff member (ED) in policy manual but not any other staff
◦Response that the board indicated a desire to delegate authority to one person
◦Comment that the new policies set boundaries between the board and staff
◦The policies do not close the door to other management structures
◦Policies can be changed if the board ultimately decides to change the management structure
◦Question regarding board composition/FCC rule (BPM Part 5, sec 3)◦Cindy clarifies that the way it is written, the policy would be an elimination of the lowest vote-getter
◦Comment that bylaws Art 5, sec 8 that may conflict with the FCC rule
Question called
Motion that the board approve the Board Policy Manual to be effective immediately
In Favor: 9
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 0
I count 10 board members present, unless there's been a clerical error:
Delete"Board Members Present: Marc Brown, Lyn Moelich, Hadrian Micchie, Rabia Yeaman, Matthew Bristow, SW Conser, , Paula Small, Jeff Kipilman, Damon Isiah Turner, Lisa Loving"
Also interesting to note which staff/public was present:
"Staff Present: Lynn Fitch, Ani Haines, Zale Chadwick, Andrew Geller
Public Present: Mark Fulop, Louis Sowa, Kurt Lauer, Thomas Sullivan, Robert Barncord, Mark Allyn"
That was in January and Ani knew all about it. What happened between then an May to inspire Theresa to agitate a misguided rebellion against what seemed fin in Jan?
"From the Board of Directors meeting Jan 7 2013 (the last one posted "
What's with that? Because it looks like the "inner party" is hiding evidence from the most contentious Board meetings from membership.
"That was in January and Ani knew all about it. What happened between then an May to inspire Theresa to agitate a misguided rebellion against what seemed fin in Jan?"
DeleteI suspect that the Inner Party did not think through the implications of the board manual. Given her increased authority, Fitch came to the reasonable conclusion that KBOO's costs needed to be cut ASAP, given the steadily declining financial reserves - and given KBOO's cost structure, that inevitably meant cutting labor costs. With the Iron Rice Bowl threatened, the Inner Party panicked.
You know, I don't think that Glorious Leader is being hypocritical - she (and the rest of the Inner Party) truly believe that KBOO is just one successful fund-raising drive away from financial stability. The alternative is just too painful to contemplate - that KBOO has never recovered from the loss of the CPB funding, and without McChimpyBushHitler available to demonize, not even radicals are as interested in KBOO's programming anymore.
So KBOO's financial problems are accelerating, but the only possible solutions (such as bringing in popular national programming) threaten the power of the Inner Party, so the only alternative is for the Inner Party to deny that there is a problem.
It will be interesting to see how long KBOO lasts, now that the board has definitively stated that it has no intention of reforming anything, but will simply maintain the status quo for as long as possible. It probably will not be long.
Aaahhh, Comrades Ani and Theresa. Reminds me of ancient Chinese proverb.
DeleteBe careful what you wish for, you might get it!
If you read the entire BOD policy manual (available on the BOD page of the webiste) and these minutes, the BOD directed the ED (Lynn) to begin drafting the employee manual. She did so in consultation with various consultants, doing precisely what she was tasked to do by the BOD. When the staff realized that the draft staff manual was not to their liking, that's when the shit began hitting the fan.
ReplyDeleteSo let's make sure we understand that Lynn, Matthew, Conch, Jeff, Damon, and Lisa from now on are clearly identified by all of us as the "corporatists" who should be the target of TM's tirade against "top down management". Sure they can argue today they changed their mind, but it was 9/0/0 folks. And the path to adjust the BOD manual was clearly laid out for them should they choose to take it.
So far as I can tell, the employee manual nor the other manuals were never finished. It's insane for the BOD to toss the board manual (finished and adopted) in the wake of the objections to the proposed staff/employee manuals which so far as I can tell never were finished. And we still don't know if the staff screwed itself by unionizing or not. I've heard an amazing number of opinions on that one.
Damon left the board in May along with Marc, supposedly because this board is nuts, so don't include him.
ReplyDeleteConch abstained like he always does (except when he feels like voting), but for some reasons people don't record it as such. That explains the discrepancy in the vote totals.
Lyn Moelich has one N
Lynn Fitch has two N's
Other than that, yep.
This is why Kurt Lauer kept telling people that things were happening in the open all year.
Look at the time on that board meeting, adjourned at 8:10 pm, the good ol days...
Though Conch is up to his armpits in, hmm, what shall we call it? Cow dip? It's not unusual for a board chair to avoid voting unless it's necessary as a tie breaker.
DeleteAnd spelling is an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. Even an enemey of ENEMEYZ OF DA PEPLE.
Apologies to Damon if I got that wrong. I'm still trying to learn all the names in our little soap opera. Wish the blog would let us edit for ten minutes before casting it in stone.
DeleteI've got no problem with Conch not voting, but it should be recorded as an abstention, which is what it is.
DeleteHe also claims he only vote to break ties, which is incorrect, he will vote for something to achieve a majority.
A tie is 5 votes for, 5 votes against, (6 is a majority), with 11 members as an example.
Sometimes, its 5 votes for, 3 votes against, and 2 abstentions. That's not a tie, that's 5-3.
It's fine that he does it, but call it what it is.
Can we get Udderly FUBARed Shirts printed for the next board meeting?
DeleteThis must happen or there is no justice in the universe.
Roger Leigh graced us with a visit in comments here:
For someone who runs websites he doesn't seem to understand how the Interwebs work:
"We suspect this is a bit of a fib:
"I don't really know all of the nonsense going on at KBOO these days;"
Not just by being an associate of the KBOO board president, (who also is pretending not to know what's going on even though he goes to Glorious Leader's parties), but because you sir, have visited this blog before.
"Returning Visits: 1"
What was that about showing an incredible ignorance of technology? "