Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Ghost of Debbie Rabidue: Who will call for Outside Audits now she's gone?

Comrades first let it be known that Audits are an Enemy of the People.  Why?  Because Audits are an attempt to bring Top Down Corporate State Control over a KBOO .

Detractors will point and mock (They will!  True!)  that KBOO wouldn't exist without  state control that allows them to operate as a nonprofit corporation.  But these are LIES!   As Glorious Leader has said again and again and again, KBOO is a MEMBERSHIP organization, run by MEMBERS.  And members don't have to give a flying fuck about the IRS, FCC, or another other state controlled acronyms!   And whatever KBOO is, it is not a corporation because all corporations are bad and KBOO is good.

We're sure the intellectual brilliance and logic of these  arguments will, should they ever inquire, leave the IRS astounded and send them packing.

 The time comes to remind cadre of Dasterdly Debbie and her attempts to chain cadre to the millstone of fiscal accountability:

Please quit spreading untruths and causing more damage to KBOO 06.May.2013 21:12

Debbie Rabidue - Finance Coordinator.. KBOO STAFF

Well... here goes. I guess I will be the next major target in your attack campaign, because try as hard as I could, I cannot keep my shut about the constant misrepresentation of the Grant, Board Training and Policy Development.

Please stop with the incoherent ranting and raving about corporate board training funded by a grocery store. This is so far from the actual truth. I wrote that grant application. It was to the Meyer Memorial Trust, and they have absolutely ZERO affiliation with Fred Meyer and they ask that we make that clear when we accept their funding. 2nd, the grant was to fund 2 pieces of the KBOO strategic plan that was written mostly with a collaborative group of members and volunteers, with a dash of staff added in. "Board Development & Training" and "Policy Development". Although I don't think the KBOO strat plan is the most compelling read I've come across, it was a road map to help KBOO Board, Staff, Volunteer and Members to work together to bring KBOO to a place of sustainability. The Plan was adopted by the Board and the Staff in 2011. No one here ever heard of Lynn Fitch back then. Arthur Davis had already been beat-up and chased out before the work was started on the Strat Plan, and neither Station Manager was around when I applied for the grant funding to assist the Board.

I felt so strongly that in order for other objectives in the strategic plan to have any chance of success, the internal capacity needed to be strengthened in order to support the intense work that was laid out in the Strat Plan. I felt that needed to start with stabilization and fiduciary knowledge within the Board. Then stabilization within the management, and then the staff and volunteers. (Too logical, I know) I also believed that the Board needed training to understand their powerful role as fundraisers and in community outreach (as it is in most non-profits)The Board also was in need of policies that were vetted through a non-profit legal expert so that KBOO was protected and meeting every government and employment requirement in existence. The consultant and legal professional that the Board used for the policy development, was the very same attorney that helped to write KBOO Bylaws back before most of us even knew there was a KBOO. Bylaws the Membership adopted! I was hoping with these tools the Board could unite and work together to bring strong leadership and guidance to the management, staff and volunteers as we worked to further achieve the goals in the strategic plan. I applied for the MMT grant because I believed so strongly that this 1st piece of the strat plan needed to be achieved before we could support the efforts to take on Media diversity and fundraising diversity. Huge tasks.
Now...after seeing some unsettling behavior and actions, I wished I would have acted like the majority of the staff collective and just ignored this when the 1st application was rejected. I think the funds were spent wisely, but I also think that the Board as a whole, fell apart (badly) when they needed to come together and act like Directors. I can't fault the entire Board, but the actions of a few have made the Board unable to function as a whole unit. I feel that the generous funding from a Grantor that I had to practically beg to give us a chance, was just wasted. I don't think I can get back any faith in any group within the KBOO walls. I'm saddened by this wasted gift.

So...Please STOP trying to crucify Lynn for implementing the tasks she was directed to do by the Board and by the Strategic Plan (that the Membership played a huge role in developing). AND yes... Program changes are supposed to happen. Read the strat plan and read the 2008 NFCB Station Assessment. FYI... NFCB are not corporate warmongers! and last time I looked, the huge volunteer and community group that put together the KBOO Strategic Plan where not 'corporate warmongers' either! FYI... I did not get involved with the writing or the goals of the Strat Plan, that came from the many members & volunteers that created the Plan. I do support it however, and think it was a good start to sustainability.

KBOO Staff Collective Management was not staffed with experienced and skilled 'managers' in the important areas of managing the operations such as legal, even 100% of the FCC compliance, HR and best business practice to protect the Foundation's assets. I can go on and on, but will spare the gruesome details here. I do however have tons of documents that will strongly dispute your claim that " Collective management worked just fine, and saved the expense of hiring a manager. It did not "fail" but was killed by Board members who are too close to the Business Community and too far from grasping the original meaning of "democracy" (it didn't always mean "going along with the Boss")."
Also, SCM was 'killed' by the Staff and not the Board. The staff was not able to get 100% consensus or even consensus -1 to support SCM. SO a final proposal never went to the Board to request that the interim SCM become the model of management at KBOO. The staff did not reach consensus because the interim SCM lacked accountability and the staff, as a whole, we not able to follow our own guidelines in the SCM proposal. So yeh, SCM failed.. I was there! We did not have the crucial skills, training and experience to manage and to protect KBOO. Although, it was fun to not have a boss! (not really) Not much really got accomplished in that 2 and half year period. We did spend a lot of time in meetings though. I didn't because I quit going to them and just focused on what I was hired to do.

KBOO STRATEGIC PLAN... What projects the MEYER MEMORIAL TRUST (not the grocery store) funded:
Chapter 5: Reinventing KBOO - A Plan of Action
KBOO Strategic Plan CHAPTER 7: Proposed Organizational Changes

Goal #1 - Board Development

The Board will strengthen its effectiveness and its cohesiveness.

Reaffirm a basic skill set in board practices and functions for all KBOO board members, to broaden the board's expertise for successful operation of board functions and overall organizational leadership and development.
Support and invigorate the committees serving under the board's direction.
Strengthen board commitment for development of a strong and active board that will oversee the implementation of this strategic plan.

Implementation Plan:

Action Step: The board will complete and implement a plan for professional board development. This includes identifying and conducting skill-specific training in:
Board Basics:
Agenda- the purpose of and how to set the agenda
Meeting Minutes- the purpose of and simple format
Meetings- how to run a meeting, policies and procedures
Roberts Rules of Order- Quorum, voting, polling, consensus building
Working with Program Director and collective management body
Policy Development and Adoption
Board's Role in Fundraising
Board's Role in Organizational and Board Development
Officers and Executive Committee Roles
Legal Obligations and Financial Responsibilities
Definition, function and purpose of committees
How to develop committees
How to run a committee and be effective
Committee work plans
How to report to the board from committee
How committees work with staff and board
Committee recruitment

Timeline: June 2011 - June 2013.
Action Step: Review and revise job descriptions, responsibilities, duties and procedures for KBOO board members, committees and volunteers.
Timeline: June 2011 - June 2012.
Action Step: Provide further board education and training in operations, diversity, fundraising, development, outreach and other emerging issues for the organization.
Timeline: June 2011 and ongoing.
Action Step: Revise and refine board recruitment practices to ensure that the board members possess the breadth of skills set and expertise that is necessary for success.
Timeline: June 2011 to August 2011 - Before Annual Meeting in September.
Action Step: Improve committees by recruiting new members based on expertise, revising work plans and ensuring board member participation for each committee.
Timeline: June 2011 - December 2011.
Action Step: Provide leadership for volunteer recruitment, activities and recognition.
Timeline: Ongoing.
Action Step: Increase active fundraising, broadening and deepening giving to meet the fundraising goals and needs of the organization, including Fund Drives, community outreach, and grant writing, among other fundraising efforts.
Timeline: To coincide with Fall Fund Drive and ongoing.
Action Step: Coordinate and develop comprehensive Human Resources training program to emphasize the distinct and interrelated relationships of board to staff to volunteers to community partnerships. The outcome will be better decision-making and the ability to put into effect policies and procedures that are of maximum benefit to the organization.
Timeline: June 2011 - July 2011.
Action Step: Review and revise, as needed, this strategic plan and its goals, implementation and action steps on a bi-annual basis. Participants in the review can include board, staff, support volunteers, Working Group members and community and private individuals.
Timeline: June/November 2012; June/November 2013; June/November 2014; June/November 2015; and June 2016. 
 Glorious Leader was swift in her rebuttal of these probable lies. (We're not actually sure because, knowing it's an Enemy of the People, we just copypasted.  The best way to counter Enemy propaganda is to NOT read or listen to it.)

Dear Debbie, loyal accountant 07.May.2013 12:21

theresa mitchell

With all due respect, Debbie, I can't accept an assessment of collective leadership from you nor Andrew, as you were both the least cooperative with the project. That's putting it nicely. As for the Meyer Memorial Trust, they can try to distance themselves from ol' union-busting Fred if they want, but here is a cut-and-paste from their website: "Meyer Memorial Trust was created by the estate of the late Fred G. Meyer. Find out more about the man behind MMT, whose memory still inspires us today."

People can learn to cooperate without a "boss." It requires practice and committment, and in the context of US society it is difficult, because there will always be anti-socialist hysteria within and without the group. Ironically, transparent cooperation within the original Soviets would have prevented their downfall--they fell to their habit, kowtowing to a big boss. Yet I have seen it work, and work well--and it does come without the stress and expense of an Executive Director.

It is also somewhat deceptive to claim that the collective management "killed itself" when you were so instrumental in its demise. As for a final proposal to the Board, the Board was so hostile to the idea that it kept returning and refusing models; so, again, deception.

Your links are revealing, however:

"3. Revise and implement a new fundraising plan that is diversified, asks more of present supporters and expands into new funding opportunities."
"4. Create strategic and clear connectivity between the complex and interrelated aspects of the organization as a means to improve overall operations internally and within the Portland Metro area."

Now let me translate that bureaucratese for the members, in its current incarnation: "3. Wipe out controversial programming and replace it with corporate-friendly stuff, so that donations can be brought it from, say, Jiffy Lube and such. Stop depending on small member donations, because that is what keeps KBOO assets distant from the Important People who have millions and billions." "4. Make clear connections by eliminating messy decision processes and replacing them with ONE BOSS TO RULE THEM ALL who can set programming and staff changes without opposition."

It's all about that American pro-corporate pressure, isn't it? And when KBOO has been sanitized and downsized, it may not even be necessary to "drown it in a bathtub."

As for Lynn Fitch, she may feel that it is appropriate to "hold the cards close to the vest" in a business change situation. But (again I must remind all parties) KBOO is not a business, in the usual use of that word. It is a 501(C)3 nonprofit and it reflects the will of its constituency, even if that will grates against Limbaugh listeners and hipsters with google glasses.

And, though I sympathize, it may be that Lynn will not be able to perform her duties anyway, if she is sentenced to any length of time for drunk driving. (And was the Board informed of this at hiring time?)

The best course of action would be a return to collective management, at least temporarily. It's natural for people to be tense with each other after a conflict, but there are professionals who can help with that (and they're cheaper than Bullard Law). 
Like the Joe Uris  T-shirt-Gate, where the staff designed T-Shirt with "pinko-commies"  clearly meant "crazed black whore Mexicans(or something)"   Glorious Leader decodes Dastardly Debbie's Doublespeak:

"3. Revise and implement a new fundraising plan that is diversified, asks more of present supporters and expands into new funding opportunities."

is CLEARLY the same as

 3. Wipe out controversial programming and replace it with corporate-friendly stuff, so that donations can be brought it from, say, Jiffy Lube and such. Stop depending on small member donations, because that is what keeps KBOO assets distant from the Important People who have millions and billions." 

And another:

"4. Create strategic and clear connectivity between the complex and interrelated aspects of the organization as a means to improve overall operations internally and within the Portland Metro area."

 "4. Make clear connections by eliminating messy decision processes and replacing them with ONE BOSS TO RULE THEM ALL who can set programming and staff changes without opposition."
 How Glorious Leader knows that " new funding opportunities" will lead to a "Wipe out controversial programming" is not clear.

Nor is it obvious, or even logical that, "Create strategic and clear connectivity" is going to result in "ONE BOSS TO RULE THEM ALL".

 Outside critics might say Theresa is ad libbing with scare caps. Or  taking any part of any plan that threatens the Inner Party and hammering it into an anti-Fitch agenda.

 Or even scrapping the bottom of the slimly barrel by trying to intimidate Debbie with Fitch's mugshot.("The nexta mugshot couda be yous!")

Our rebuttal is simple logic you can't argue with:  FITCH IS EVIL.   

Our Leader's vision , and apparent ESP, is sweeping in it's brilliance.  Any suggested improvement, change, call for responsibility and accountability is part of an Evil Fitch conspiracy to destroy KBOO, even if the plan in question existed years before Fitch was hired.  And Debbie?  Just another Fitch Footsoldier marching to the Fiscal Responsibility drums.

Dastardly Debbie is called out:
You didn't play nice Debbie! 08.May.2013 22:19

Like Totally

Seriously Debbie,
Like Theresa said, you and Andrew didn't play nice with the other staff during the collective mis-management.
I mean, if you had just gone along like everyone else, you could continue to be sitting high on the hog, milking the sucker members who donate money year after year.
Oh remember how much we laughed when we would say during pledge drive "all of your donations are well spent!"

Don't you know KBOO operates outside the realm of economic reality? It's not a business, it doesn't need to make any money. We'll just not replace managers who quit or other staff that leave, then there will still be money left for us.
Who cares if equipment is outdated, our website doesn't really work, and we couldn't even handle running FCC required emergency tests for months. Just remember the golden rule "it wasn't my fault." See when there is collective mis-management, we all get to escape any accountability for our incompetence!

Why are you always sweating the details? Seriously, just chill out and drink the Kool-Aid!!!

If only you had played nicely with the other kiddies on the playground, this whole mess would have never happened.

Oh well, a girl can dream... 
 "Seriously, just chill out and drink the Kool-Aid!!!"  Words for loyal cadre to live by! 
Her final act of betrayal was calling for an audit, AGAIN:

AnonymousJuly 3, 2013 at 2:35 PM
Sorry, I should have been more specific, they do an OUTSIDE audit as much as is legally required, if not more. They had an OUTSIDE audit done either this year or last year. Debbie Rabidue is on it in that she makes sure OUTSIDE audits happen.
Of course, she is no longer employed at KBOO, she wasn't very good at rearranging deck chairs, so for the next outside audit, someone else will need to make sure it happens.
 At least KBOO will be free of audits!  If Debbie had just done along with the Inner Party, everything would be fine!  True, years down the road, when all the Inner Party is in Federal Prison for fraud, she'll be smugly thinking "Ha, ha, bet you listened to me now!"
But we know, deep deep deep inside, Debbie's betrayal of the Inner Party will HAUNT her to the end of her days.

Glorious Leader assures us loud, raucous, uncontrollable laughter by ex party members is a sign of being haunted by deep remorse.  Really.



  1. Guess one of Debbie last acts was to promote KBOO at CNRG:

    he KBOO Foundation

    non-commercial community radio

    Nonprofit Type: Arts & Culture

    Region(s) Covered: Multnomah County

    Contact Information
    principal contact: Debbie Rabidue
    phone: 503-231-8032 ext 208

    Wonder how she feels about that.

  2. Formatting fixed.

  3. No Audit, Comrades!

    Having outsiders come in to look at the books is just another facet of that fascist concept of "accountability", which is completely foreign to KBOO's culture!

    Besides, accountants belong to an evil profession, with all their irrelevant talk of "accounting standards" and "laws"!

    An outsider might foolishly question certain critical expenditures made at KBOO, without understanding the Larger Political Context that made those expenditures necessary!

    No Outsiders! If it ain't broke, don't fix it, Comrades!

    1. " If it ain't broke, don't fix it, Comrades!"

      Don't you mean "If it ain't fixed, don't tell no one?"

    2. If it ain't fixed, don't say who broke it!

    3. KBOO ultra is correct. The Official Party position is nothing is broken. Report to your section leaders for debriefing.

    4. It if ain't broke, it will be soon!

    5. Is Fitch a Fetch It hatchet girl for the Koch Brothers?

    6. "vijhnanaJuly 23, 2013 at 9:35 AM

      Is Fitch a Fetch It hatchet girl for the Koch Brothers?"

      Welcome comrade! Your comment doesn't make sense but that's ok, you'll fit right in!

  4. If I remember, the Volunteer Coordinator, Ani, has check writing power and refuses to remove her name from the bank account even though she is now part of the union. The Board President and her good friend Conch doesn't see a problem with unionized staff having access to the stations bank account or credit card.

    1. Anyone know what bank KBOO uses? Or is it a credit union?

    2. The blatant conflicts of interest are deep at KBOO

    3. The blatant interests of conflict are deep at KBOO

  5. Off topic, but remember when the website was down for a couple hours last week? Sounds like the server got moved:

    Audio Archive Problems?


    What has happened to the "Auto-magic" audio Archiving ? So it runs up to "Lounge World" and 16 minutes into "The Vinyl Pajama Party" 0n 7/2/2013. After that- POOF ! no more! So...whats up with that?"

    " Server Move
    Submitted by admin on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 9:26am.

    It got clobbered during the server move. However, KBOO now lives on a much more robust server in the cloud, and website issues can now be addressed, now that server issues have been resolved."

    Did they just say "in the cloud"? Are these people, er chimpanzees, out of their minds? Even assuming they knew what they were doing(HA!), here's what Wikipedia has to say about private cloud arrangements:

    Private cloud

    Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally.[41] Undertaking a private cloud project requires a significant level and degree of engagement to virtualize the business environment, and requires the organization to reevaluate decisions about existing resources. When done right, it can improve business, but every step in the project raises security issues that must be addressed to prevent serious vulnerabilities.[63]

    They have attracted criticism because users "still have to buy, build, and manage them" and thus do not benefit from less hands-on management,[64] essentially "[lacking] the economic model that makes cloud computing such an intriguing concept".[65][66]

  6. Debbie was indeed "the least cooperative with the project" of Staff Collective Management. Why? Well, as revealed in a confidential survey, a significant number of the staff said they did not have the skills needed to manage KBOO. Debbie refused to cooperate with incompetence? That's a bad thing?

    We see another big lie repeated here: "We can't afford a manager." During the 2.5 years of the "interim" staff collective, we were paying the salary of a manager -- except it was distributed among all of the staff! While it is true that the staff got no more money to doing management stuff, they did do less of what they were hired to do -- and that was costly to KBOO. They spent hours upon endless hours in unproductive management meetings. That's what not knowing what you are doing will get you.

    I was the strongest supporter of the staff collective on the Board -- at least at first. I keep the process alive when the Board turned down the first, long overdue proposal from the staff. However, while serving on the Board / Staff workgroup to come up with a collective plan the Board to agree to, the staff decided to make no changes requested by the Board. They brought back the same proposal to the Board three times! Finally, I presented a collective management proposal that had the support of a majority of the Board, but the staff refused to even consider it. And they wonder why we now have a manager? A manager they themselves approved of?

    The problem is that we have a manager who, unlike the staff collective, is finally getting stuff done -- which means a long overdue staff restructure to stop our deficit spending resulting not from a cut in fundraising efforts but from not cutting staff when our federal funding was cut -- eliminated to be precise. We've been drawing down the reserves from that federal funding for 7 years now, to subsidize staff salaries. That's right. Member contributions do not now and did not then pay for our staff. Federal funding, and the reserves from it did, and do. It's about time that stopped.

    1. "The problem is that we have a manager who, unlike the staff collective, is finally getting stuff done -- which means a long overdue staff restructure to stop our deficit spending resulting not from a cut in fundraising efforts but from not cutting staff when our federal funding was cut -- eliminated to be precise. We've been drawing down the reserves from that federal funding for 7 years now, to subsidize staff salaries. That's right. Member contributions do not now and did not then pay for our staff. Federal funding, and the reserves from it did, and do. It's about time that stopped."

      It sounds like a bunch of people got used to living beyond their means off of KBOO.

      How many staff can KBOO support without Federal funding/reserves?

      It looks like funding from the Feds is SOL, so that means staff has to get cut.

    2. "We can't afford a manager."

      We can, however, afford the Iron Rice Bowl, Comrades!

    3. "They spent hours upon endless hours in unproductive management meetings."

      Trotskyite! Hours upon hours spent in unproductive meetings is the essence of progressive political activity!

    4. KBOO member donations can afford to keep the station operating and support 5.5 employees. We could not afford 14 or 11 or 9 or the current 10.
      5.5 is sustainable. 6 is not.

  7. Looks like Ren Green has a hard time recognizing satire. Anyone care to help explain, comment here:

    1. "Anyone care to help explain"

      No. Sorry, anyone who doesn't "get it" is too caught up in Inner Party bs(brainwashed) to hear rational explanations.

      There are people who "get it" and disagree with the approach. That's one thing. But to not see it's farce? She's either brainwashed or takes herself too seriously.

    2. Be nice.

      I'd much rather believe things are gonna be fine, and believe Ani when she says KBOO goes through this stuff all the time and always comes out on the other end.

      I've spent years like Ren, trusting the usual suspects will keep it plodding along. I now know better. Let Ren come round when she's ready, it's a good sign she's got enough balls to post rather than sulk.

    3. "I've spent years like Ren, trusting the usual suspects will keep it plodding along. I now know better. Let Ren come round when she's ready, it's a good sign she's got enough balls to post rather than sulk."

      Fair enough.

    4. "Let Ren come round when she's ready, it's a good sign she's got enough balls to post rather than sulk"

      It's annoying she couldn't recognize she was being COMPLEMENTED in that blog for asking questions instead of just going with the flow.

    5. "and believe Ani when she says KBOO goes through this stuff all the time and always comes out on the other end."

      What, precisely, does Ani think is going to happen? Judging from the IRS filings, KBOO drops a hundred thou (or more) every year, and the number of spare hundred thous lying around to do this appear to be coming to an end.

      Granted, electing Palin/Bachmann in 2016 would energize all the left-wing media enormously (including KBOO), but I don't think that the Bright Dawn of 2016 will come fast enough to save KBOO.

      And anyway, we are likely to get a snoozer like Clinton/Patrick winning in 2016, which is not going to help KBOOs bottom line.

      What, precisely, does the Inner Party think is going to change to save them, before 90.7 FM turns into the "All Christian Music, All The Time" format?

      Or is the argument that another year or two of untrammeled power is worth losing the station?

    6. Someone announcing Blues Fest on the 4th called OPB KBOO's "rival". The hilarity!!!
      KBOO wishes it was OPB's competition.
      When KBOO used to be able to afford Arbitron (i.e. had more than the 10 of us listening) the ratings consistently showed it in last place and OPB ranks as one of the top 2 or 3 consistently.
      Always in last place vs. always near the top does not a rivalry make.

    7. "Always in last place vs. always near the top does not a rivalry make."

      The Hillsboro Hops are noted rivals of the New York Yankees, Comrades!


    9. KBOO, delusions of granduer served with attitude to an uninterested audience.

    10. "KBOO, delusions of granduer served with attitude to an absent audience."

      Fixed that.

  8. Anti Accountancy CadreJuly 5, 2013 at 2:55 PM


    DEBBIE is the one who asked for money (capital) from that EVIL Meyers Foundation. Ask anyone who is in the station 9-5 who needs captial? Capital (money) is the evil tool of CAPITALISTS! We only allow Socialists and Communists to be in the INNER CIRCLE! How do we know Socialists are OK? Cuz we only communicate via SOCIAL MEDIA! (forget for the moment we're using Facebook, a capitalist enterprise with the largest IPO in history currently trading at 400x earnings, but we digress).

    And Debbie DIDN'T PLAY NICE. How do we know? The evil Board Manual book is full of LAW and MATH, but has no pictures. We all know LAW and MATH are tools of oppression, but how is the board going to understand a book without pictures? In the post-FITCH post-Debbie KBOO WORKERS PARADISE there won't be any difference between volunteer, staff and board (not that there is anyway) because we're all workers and we all control the CAPITAL.

    Since we're all workers in the KBOO Communist Paradise, and we all control the capital, we ALL should be signers on the checking account! Put the account on Facebook! Let the MEMBERS all sign checks! It's already been explained to us that the MEMBERS OWN KBOO! Thank goodness that evil Debbie who represented TOP DOWN management is gone!


    1. "Since we're all workers in the KBOO Communist Paradise, and we all control the capital, we ALL should be signers on the checking account!"

      That thar is some epic win campaign copy:

      Vote for Inner Party Member X, who promises, as a MEMBER, to give YOU access to the KBOO checking account!

      Gunna be a whale of a campaign.

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