Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blast From Past: Comrade Alan warns of Nazis at KBOO

Nazis at KBOO?   That sounds alarming!

Nonetheless that's exactly what Alan Graft, er, Graf was warning cadre about in 2010 at Portland Indymedia, when then Board President Becky Chiao made some awkward comments on air that she admitted could have been better, but somehow became a "Nazi Apologist".

President of KBOO is an Nazi Apologist
The President of KBOO is a Nazi Apologist and works for the city of Portland defending Police Brutality
Becky Chiao, is the current President of the KBOO board of directors.

She is a lawyer and former member of the National Lawyers Guild.

For the past number of years she has worked for Risk Management for the city of Portland defending police brutality incidents.

Recently, when I was on Lisa Loving's show as a guest attorney, I spoke about my own personal experience with Captain Mark Kruger who has a documented history of being a Nazi sympathizer and lover of Nazi culture and artifacts. We have videos, affidavits and photos to prove all of this. He has also been documented through videos and testimony as intolerant of diverse views and been shown to be very violent against people who he didn't like, particularly those on the left, time and time again. Yet, he was promoted to Captain of Downtown precinct.

On Lisa's show I spoke out on the air questioning why the city wold promote such a man who recently admitted in WWeek that he has put together a memorial park in Portland for fallen Nazi soldiers.

Becky Chiao called in to the program and defended Kruger and stated "it is just an innocent hobby of his" and I shouldn't be picking on him.
Becky said nothing at the time that she was currently KBOO's president. This is the same line that was used by the city to defend Kruger's actions when we sued the city for police brutality against protesters of the Iraq war. The city later conceded and settled the case.

I now find out that Becky is President of KBOO's board and I am simply aghast and dismayed that KBOO would allow a Nazi apologist to be its President. Rosie Sizer's schedule also shows Becky Chiao meeting with Sizer previous to a meeting Sizer was planning to have with Joann Bowman about Police brutality and profiling. It is safe to assume that Chiao was prepping the Chief for the meeting.

For years, KBOO has been the voice against police brutality in this city. Now it has an employee of the city of Portland who defends police brutality as its President. This is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Please feel free to publish my letter wherever you choose to do so.


Alan Graf
homepage: http://www.hippelawyer.com
Becky Chiao foolishly tried to engage in dialog and clarify her position:

Quick response to Indymedia 17.Jul.2010 12:21

Becky Chiao

Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I just found out about these internet discussions on Thursday and have been playing catch-up.

My statement on Lisa's show was my own and was not made on behalf of the KBOO Board or the KBOO Foundation (or on behalf of the City of Portland).

After talking to Alan on the phone this morning, I will be posting a response for the KBOO website this weekend. It will include an apology for my inaccurate and insenstive remarks. I do believe and have always believed that white supremicist ideologies are horribly wrong and have lead to unfathomable human suffering.

There are lots of challenges facing KBOO. My personal approach toward facing these challenges is through open-minded discussion. But if it becomes clear that my statements have eroded my credibility to such an extent or pose such a distraction that I should not be in a leadership position at the station, I will step down.

I think it is incorrect to say that I don't tolerate dissent. I would be happy to answer questions about who I am and what I think, but I'm not sure how much of that to do on the web via online forums. I'd like to set up a time to talk to concerned people about this in advance of the KBOO Board's monthly meeting so as not to take up time set for station business talking about me. In the meantime, I can be reached via  email--becky@herfingertips.com and from there can arrange to talk on the phone on in person.

KBOO members interested in running for the board in this September's election have until July 30 to submit their candidacy paperwork. For more information see:  http://kboo.fm/governance

I hope that those of you considering ending your station membership will reconsider and ultimately find that with your help KBOO can remain a vitally important resource for social justice in our community.
Of course this was proof she should resign, or maybe reisgn, immediately!

Becky should reisgn! 18.Jul.2010 09:29


Becky, do the right thing and turn in your resignation, please. We will be at the next board meeting to tell you we want you to step out of the way. Hopefully, you come to your senses before then - if not be prepared to do so at the board meeting itself.


Just do it becky 17.Jul.2010 16:41


This is not the first error on your part. Step down now. You, Becky, may believe you are well-intentioned but time has demonstrated you do not have the leadership skills to take KBOO into the future. Aside from KBOO, your position and what you do at the City is in direct conflict with KBOO values.

Defending murderous police, it's all out in the open and there are many people now aware of your duties. That cannot be repaired. Spare us your proclamations of open-mindedness. In the past you have shown you are only willing to consider opinions that are aligned with your own, and dismissive of dissenters.

We all make mistakes, but defending a Nazi sympathizer is grievous. We have relatives who were murdered by Nazi's. It's as if you were working for Hitler's risk management department, defending this cop who should not be in uniform or carrying a gun. Shame on you.

Your comment that Kruger's Nazi involvement is a hobby is and will be unforgivable. It is a testimony to your lack of judgment and frankly your character. You can't take your words back. Now you want to apologize for your careless remarks. That's great, but resign your position. You do more harm than good, and have brought very little to KBOO's benefit in your time there. 
These people sure don't like Nazi.  This will be a point of glaring hypocrisy later.
ANYWAY, displaying balls that staff could only dream of,  Chiao returns to apologize and offer an olive branch:

My Longer Statement is on the KBOO Website at the Link in Trout's Post Above 19.Jul.2010 05:55

Becky Chiao

I wouldn't agree with every aspect of Alan's account of our conversation, but I'm not going to try to refute each thing I disagree with on the internet.

Talking with Alan to be very helpful in understanding where he is coming from and it did lead to my apology. We not only talked about police accountability but also about the challenges faced by KBOO board members. It is true that I said my primary concern is what is best for KBOO.

I signed up for a space at KBOO on Thursday night July 22 from 8-10 pm (the only time I saw available) to talk to concerned members in person about this. I do want to approach these issues reasonably and would like to make sure that reasonableness is more than just my self-image, but an actual attribute of how I act and make decisions.
And it all when down here:


But note something that Jim "gonna camp on fitch's doorstep" dancingtrout says:

Becky's call to KBOO

After listening again to Lisa's program and Becky's call in to KBOO, I could find only one discrepancy in Alan's statement, that being that Becky did not say the word 'innocent',
Comrade Alan Graft has never retracted that piece of mis-characterisation.  For someone screaming about Nazis you'd think he'd get on that. 
But it's not the first time hypocrisy rages for the Cause and it won't be the last.  The comments get strange-er, as Grace Marian under her Virginia Furr nick joins the fray:

Resign Please, Becky

Becky, go ahead and have your spin meeting, but members should  attend the  board meeting (Monday, July 26, 6 PM at KBOO). Its best to keep everything in the open, and the board meeting is he most appropriate place to do that. You are incapable of leading KBOO and must resign now before you do any more harm.
And Becky replies:

Grace, I do know you and

Grace, I do know you and frankly, I don't share your perspective on many things, the meaning of the House Rules for one, so your advice is not particularly persuasive to me.
Your characterization of my attempt to communicate with people as spin strikes me as very cynical.  I would hope that through dialogue we might be able to find some areas of understanging and that doing so is a positive way to approach disagreement.
Forcing Grace to start posting Anonymously(something that seems to be disabled now).  But she does sign one comment:

Becky's call

I think one very telling issue is that while Becky and the current board are obsessed with "The House Rules" (see notice of the election on this website),  Becky's understanding of our Program Charter seems to be minimal. How else could she call into a talk show, defend a Nazi glorifier--and please keep in mind that these were people who planned and partially implemented the systematic genocide of Jews, Communists, homosexuals and Gypsies? She clearly has no clue about KBOO's mission, and thus should not be board president or even a board member.  Becky needs to resign. Now.

Grace Marian is studying mental health counseling, from all appearances by acting crazy to understand the crazy:  https://www.linkedin.com/pub/grace-marian-m-p-h/52/6a4/818

Seasoned human services professional, currently studying clinical mental health counseling, and planning to open a private practice on the coast of Oregon.
(Maybe it should be called, "method" heath counseling?)

Keep those Nazis in mind as we return to Indymedia.  One of the first two comments in Comrade Alan's article is by a guy called "Joe Anybody":

What say you 08.Jul.2010 13:17

Joe Anybody

Hey Becky
Is this true?
Are you really a Nazi sympathizer?
This would be a good place to 'tell your side'
I respect Alan and his logic, and I dont know you, but I am inclined to believe that
you are defending this (sic) nazi / hobbiest / and Mr Kruger
And just from what I have read in this open community post it seems you have taken a public opinion on this.
I am curious from the perspective that your the president of KBOO's board and this is your position.
Well he should ask!  "Joe" was put on this very same spot by Rose City Antifa.
The cadre irony award goes to Glorious Leaders long time foil hat associate "Joe Anybody", who is documented by Rose City Antifa as being an actual Nazi Apologist.  Or at least an apologist for working with pro Nazi Holocaust deniers in hosting, recording and promoting events featuring a Nazi sympathizers and anti-Semitic propaganda:


Supporting right wing anti-Semite abortion clinic bomber
Springmeier supporters complain that their hero was simply a target of sinister forces who wished to shut him up about Illuminati mind control. The Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance gave Springmeier his first public speaking event following release from federal prison; a video of Springmeier’s rambling speech recorded by event attendee Joe Anybody is available online.
 video unavailable or disabled.  Also at 9/11 conspiracy Ning:

Supporting long time anti-Semite and Holocaust Denier Tim Calvert

Calvert’s presentation, allegedly on the topic of “Critical Thinking,” is also available online, having been recorded and then circulated by videographer Joe Anybody. Calvert discusses the US media as being controlled by special interests, the example provided by Calvert being an NPR journalist who Calvert believes ought to have disclosed that she was married to an Israeli citizen and that she lives in Israel--this is a rather obvious attempt to invoke the “dual loyalties” antisemitic myth, and to suggest that the special interest in question behind the US media is a “Zionist”/Jewish one
video removed/disabled.  Other link:  http://pdx911truth.ning.com/video/critical-thinking-by-tim-calvert-9-10-11-in-portland-oregon

related article on Joe Anybody's buddy Calvert:

Citybikes Co-op Maintains Antisemitic President, Portland Anti-racists Call for Boycott of Business
Google Joe Anybody Holocaust Denial for more.
EDIT: comments indicate results of this search aren't relevant for all Google users.
Try      Joe Anybody Portland Nazis    instead.

Oh where, oh where, was Joe Anybody's anti Nazi outrage in 2012?

It goes down hill from there at Indy as we are joined by friends and cadre including:

Comrade Yaney!    http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2010/07/400845.shtml?discuss#373955
Comrade Dancing Trout!  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2010/07/400845.shtml?discuss#373970
Comrade Nassar! (referenced)  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2010/07/400845.shtml?discuss#373845

It's like the same group of people who hate Fitch!  It IS the same people who hate Fitch!
And even when Chiao steps down, it's STILL not enough!

Becky Chiao dumps herself from KBOO Presidency. Some more directors need to go 25.Jul.2010 00:13


One down, how many more to go ?


Becky Chiao's blog
Announcing new board president
Submitted by Becky Chiao on Sat, 07/24/2010 - 12:36pm

Hi there. I wanted to let people know that I stepped down from the board
president position Thursday night and the new board president is Louis Sowa.

Nazi apologist still a KBOO Director 30.Jul.2010 16:42

Becky needs to go.... 21.Jul.2010 10:09


Becky please resign or be forced out.

Several have been excluded from this meeting! 22.Jul.2010 15:49


Becky is already scheming how to escape this. She has excluded many people from KBOO, but she can not exclude them from Board meetings as they are required to be open to the public by state law. So my scheduling a seperate meeting to discuss her Nazi support statements, she excludes anyone that she has banned from the building (which is almost everyone who has ever spoken against something she believes in).

I'm skipping her special meeting tonight. I'll be at the board meeting next monday evening to ask for her resignation.

Becky is unaccountable and Arrogant 23.Jul.2010 09:01

KBOO Supporter Unless Becky Chiao Stays

If you read Becky's "Apology" and subsequent comments on the KBOO web page, you can see how she is avoiding accountability by making excuses and trying to blame those "mean" people who aren't being nice to her. She is showing incredible arrogance by saying she won't resign because of a void of leadership at KBOO. Becky, the lack of leadership is NOT your problem, and its YOU who is the problem Now go away.

Finally, in the eye of the hysteria, a comrade at KBOO snaps, screaming: MAKE THE MADNESS STOP!

Dear God, stop already!

All you crazy people, running off the board anyone who you disagree with.  Knock it off before you completely destroy what's left of KBOO.
You defamed the prior board president.  You encouraged the crazy lawsuit, then ran a slate of people to try to take over the board.  When only a few of your slate won the election, you harrassed the elected board to the point that some good people resigned, realizing that being sued, libeled, and kept at board meetings to be yelled at till the wee hours of the morning just isn't worth it anymore.  So ... by the back door you got people sympathetic to your views appointed to the board, even though your candidates lost in elections.
You drove out the door one of the most thoughtful, gentle, and serious people I met at the station, former manager Arthur Davis, using a pack of lies and made up allegations to smear his good name.  He made one mistake, but was hounded out the door because a handful of members wanted him gone.
Becky ain't perfect, but she aknowledges her shortcomings, and writes a clear explanation and apology for her poor choice of words.  What a miracle it would be if the toxic people harrassing her now could do the same.

Fast forward to 2013.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...


  1. The process of purging is never-ending, Comrades!

    Even people who appear to be supporters of the Party eventually are unmasked as anti-Party traitors!

    The key is, as long as we continuously purge KBOO, no one will ever have the ability to challenge the core of the Inner Party, who are obviously the people who should be running things!

    Continuous turmoil is not an accident, Comrades, it is a planned strategy for maintenance of Inner Party control!

    We need to purge Fitch, so we can start on the process of purging Fitch's replacement!

    As George Orwell said:

    "“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”

    1. "We need to purge Fitch, so we can start on the process of purging Fitch's replacement!"

      And the sooner the better!

  2. "Google Joe Anybody Holocaust Denial for more. "

    You need to put quotes around "Joe Anybody" to get relevant results.

    One is this URL: http://pdx911truthalliancedramatica.blogspot.de/2004/07/dreary-life-of-larouche-street.html

    Under group members there's a LONG list of foil hatters, including Glorious Leader's hero Captain May: http://pdx911truthalliancedramatica.blogspot.com/2012/03/eric-may-captain.html

    Warning: site goes way down the Rabbit Hole.

    1. Forgot the Joe Anybody page:

      "Networks: Portland 9/11 Truth alliance, Pdx911 Truth Alliance, Portland Indymedia(worker bee in 2011, ?)"

      Indymedia? That's interesting....

    2. Never knew his name was really Mike Tabor. Maybe this is a clue who Glorious Leader's Indy spy is?

    3. Don't make fun of Comrade JOE! After all, he ain't just ANYBODY! A whole fucking neighborhood and a mountian are named after him!

      The big BLAME FITCH meeting was at TABOR SPACE. No coincidence there!


    4. These so called FACTS about the Inner Party's past are mighty disturbing. To avoid thinking about them I yell FITCH IS EVIL at the top of my lungs 10 times day! It works!

  3. Awesome job linking past behavior of these ppl to the present. they obviously live in their own bubble and don't think anyone can find their old shit and tell people," Hey! These clowns have been doing this since 2010!"

    KBOO should include in the board member application the Indymedia links of what happened to previous board members. So potential candidates know what they're getting into if they try to effect real improvements.

  4. Just heard a rumor on Twitter Chiao might return to run for the board. Anyone know more?

    1. Really? Hard to believe. OTOH the Inner Party would shit bricks...it's so obvious they're doing the same thing to Fitch it'd be hard to hide from their trusting Outer Party proxies.

    2. Heard that somewhere too, but not sure I buy it. Why would she want to come back after all this time?

    3. Sure you weren't trolled? We'd love to see Chiao back. But it looks like she has a life and has moved on to better things....
