UPDATE: According to
this Audio around 01:45:50 this is a
SPECIAL BOARD MEETING. Hope they sent a notice out to membership.
UPDATED UPDATE: Actually this is no big dead according to comments:
This no way has anything to do with board member Timothy Welp appointed as new employee negotiator. Nothing at all. Stop thinking that. In fact, forget you just read it.
The new location for the August 6th board meeting is:
Public Notice
KBOO Board of Directors Meeting for August 2013
Tuesday, August 6th, 2013, 6pm
SEIU Local 503 Union Hall 6401 SE Foster Rd
Portland, OR
Always helpful, we'll add the phone number and website for readers. Never know when they might come in handy:
(503) 235-5071
One bonus of the harder to access meeting is that it's harder for random KBOO members to just walk off the street and access.
Because we've learned transparency and access have only given us trouble. If they don't have a car or don't want to bike home in late dangerous traffic, let them take the bus. With Trimet's cuts, they'll have to leave early.
We thank our benefactor Comrade Welp for gifting us this tactic. Welp was first mentioned in comments
Another thing that occurred at the board meeting which is interesting.
KBOO appointed a lead negotiator for the foundation/membership in the union negotiations with staff.
Member Timothy Welp was selected as the member of choice, likely due to
his background in union negotiations. In his day job, Timothy serves as
a union organizer at SEIU.
So a union organizer is representing the 5,500 person foundation in negotiations with the newly organized union staffers.
There were no questions about a conflict of interest.
yeah, at the meeting last night Timothy said "in his professional
opinion" he does not see the need for KBOO to have lawyers present
during negotiations, but only have them for advice if needed.
Don't worry, this should work out fine.
That's right. It
will work out fine. And if it doesn't, we can all say, "Oh welp."
In related news, KBOO has yet to explain Lisa Loving's disastrous choice interviewing a UNION BUSTING non profit OSPIRG as blogged here:
The comments on KBOO's Facebook timeline are still there:
But no response from KBOO:
Neil Loehlein
KBOO Community Radio
25 July at 07:12 ·
Dear KBOO,
I was disappointed to find out that you hosted a representative from
the union-busting, non-profit OSPIRG yesterday. Community radio should
support the community, not organizations that ruin workers' lives.
Even the previous comment, where KBOO replied, has no followup:
Chani Geigle-Teller
KBOO Community Radio
24 July at 09:20 near Portland ·
KBOO!! OSPIRG is a union buster. They ruin lives. They have no respect
for their workers. As unionized shop, why let these traitors speak on
your programs? There are so many other worthy folks in Portland who
could speak about medical care accessibility.
Aaaand, even Lisa "
Gee I hope people have forgotten that hacker thing" Loving, who can't afford more bad press, is ignoring the issue:
Lisa Loving24 July at 06:49 near Portland ·
on Wednesday Talk Radio: Pay for delay. My guest is Jesse O'Brien from
OSPIRG, talking about Big Pharma's gambit to keep less-costly generic
drugs off the market to protect their profits. Are you currently taking
Lipitor for diabetes, Tamoxifen for breast cancer, Sinemet CR, Provigil?
We want to hear from you. Call in 503-231-8187.
24 July at 09:24 via mobile
It's as if the "Inner Party" is hoping this values discrepancy will go away.
But these are the values of transparency in action, Comrades! There are two sets of values: one for us in the Inner Party, and one for everyone less! We CAN cozy up to UNION BUSTING non-profits, while at the same time using a UNION organizer and UNION resources, all after slandering Fitch as pro UNION BUSTING. Yeah!
And if anyone doesn't like it, "Oh Welp!"
Expect ballots for the upcoming elections to be in, you guessed it, Swedish! (stop groaning)
Hypocrisy! Moral relativism! Solidarity!
-Meresa Titchell
PS: Don't forget to vote on
your favorite Condescending Conch.
Also more board meeting reports can be either emailed or posted as comments.