Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Comrade Heather McAfee and Occupy St. John's get's honorable mention for her efforts to expand the Glorious Cause:

Date: Tue, 28 May 2013
Subject: Fwd: Run for the KBOO Board! Join the Keep KBOO as KBOO slate!

From: Heather McAfee <hmcafee1973@gmail.com>

To: "Occupy St. Johns" <occupy-st-johns-portland-oregon@googlegroups.com> 
*Run for the KBOO Board!*
* *

*Join the Keep KBOO as KBOO slate!*

KBOO's Board of Directors election is coming up very soon. This is an
excellent opportunity for all who want to see a return to the values and
ways of operating that we have been dedicated to since KBOO began over
forty years ago. Each year, four seats on the twelve person Board are open
for three-year terms. This year, an additional three seats are open due to
resignations. With several directors who support KBOO core values and
programming in the middle of their terms, and two or three supporters of
the Station Manager's recent actions up for reelection, we could claim nine
or ten seats, and really move the organization forward.

Serving on the KBOO Board is not easy. You must make a three-year
commitment, not only to KBOO's values, but a commitment in time. Besides
the monthly Board meeting, there are committee meetings, Membership Drive
and other fundraising responsibilities, and the real possibility that
allies will disagree sometimes. Candidates should already have familiarity
with KBOO. Board members receive training once they have been elected.

Deadline for candidacy is June 28th, with the election in September. You
will be called upon to state your views for a Voter's Pamphlet, and in an
on-air debate or interview. Those of us in the Committee to Keep KBOO as
KBOO can work with you on your campaign strategy.

If you want to get involved with our slate, call Jamie Partridge,
503-752-5112.  You must be a KBOO member and file a “statement of interest.”
The “Statement of Interest” for Board candidates is now an on-line form
(don’t be intimidated; it’s not the same as a Voters’ Pamphlet statement;
you’re just required to complete the whole form).  Go to


 Remember, comrades:  when Fitchites reach out to increase membership and election participation it's called PACKING THE KBOO ELECTIONS.

When we do it in support of the Glorious Leader it's called Keep KBOO AS KBOO.

 A big thanks to Comrade Heather for helping the GLORIOUS CAUSE by PACKING THE KBOO...er, that is KEEPING KBOO KBOO!!!!

 -Meresa Titchell


1 comment:

  1. "KBOO's Board of Directors election is coming up very soon. This is an
    excellent opportunity for all who want to see a return to the values and
    ways of operating that we have been dedicated to since KBOO began over forty years ago."

    Successful candidates must demonstrate a complete inability to read a balance sheet and income statement!

    Ignore evil, capitalistic terms being thrown around like "impending bankruptcy", and just listen to Glorious Leader!

    All Will Be Well!
